Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Man Utd introduce 'Ronaldo rule' to cap first-team salaries.

Utter bollocks.

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Shes been listening to Neville who was peddling same shite. This is the same Neville who was quieter than a farting mouse about the Glazers when he was taking there gold.


What we classing as youngsters because there academy lads arenā€™t on great money.

Worth every penny


Whereā€™s the Adnan Januzai money, Avram?

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There is a lot of fan base amongst 5-10 year olds because their dads and mums were growing up as fans in the glory years.

Few more years and that probably will start to drain off. Always see them after a jammy win or a big transfer.

Same with Chelsea shirts.

So many unsold chelsea shirts end up in poor parts of Africa and South America because they are borderline given away. Chelsea continuing to be shit is what allows those shirts to end up in the hands of the next Congolese wonder kid which will give them the advantage of buying him in 6 years time.

Itā€™s a genius plan.

Ahhhh genius.

And now he can look forward to a 8 year contract.

What awesome thing have they done today?

Holy shit.

I was joking.


I learnt to understand that concept perfectly when g+h attempted (and almost succeded) to bleed us dry. Hadnā€™t it been for the financial crisis in 2008, they still might be the owners, and weā€™d probably look at LFC as a perennial lower mid-table club as we speak.

There wouldnā€™t be a new main stand and an almost completed ARE stand, and there wouldnā€™t be any Kirkby complex. Weā€™d still sit in a 45k-seater on which nothing is done, and the Melwood facilies would start to fall apart, making us less and less attractive for new potential incomings.

In an alternative universe, this could have happened to us very easily.


Quote from Redcafe

I think this is why ETH is signing so many players that he knows. The scouts can assemble all the databases in the world, and present players with the right technical profile, but getting info on their characters, histories and natures and whether they meet ETHā€™s criteria there, must be a much more laborious process.

Among the players he knows , heā€™s signed Eriksen because he was available on a free , and when no other club would touch him given his unfortunate life threatening problem. Heā€™s signed a short midget in center back who will be found out sooner rather than later. Heā€™s then signed an accused wife-beater.

Iā€™m pretty sure Amrabat and Hojlund werenā€™t under him at any point in their careers.

Such a laborious process.

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Fuck, The collective IQ of fans posting in redcafe must be <40.

I think that is not a particularly accurate characterization of Eriksenā€™s situation. Brentford would have loved to keep him, but his time there really addressed a lot of concerns. They just could not afford to match the numbers that bigger clubs were throwing around. He is now earning almost 3x Brentfordā€™s highest paid player. There was interest from Spurs, Everton, and several European clubs. Eriksen might well be his best signing.


Personally, I think his best signingā€™s been Antony so far.


Ferguson 100% made a deal with the devil.

Rupert Murdoch?


:rofl: at the thread titleā€¦