Those jammy fuckers down the M62

I’ll tell you, Red Cafe is a riot. Lots of witty Man U fans making me literally lol. I almost feel sympathy for them. Almost.


Not sure I’d even swap our old midfield for theirs.



Love the arrogance from them from time to time.

It’s that “you’re big, but you’ll never be as big as us” feeling I get from the older Neville sister very often.

Miserable c*nt.


Steve McMahon would start over McTominey :wink:

Comes on for 5mins, now injured for few weeks. ….shouldn’t laugh and seeing as I’ve nothing against AWB, I’m not gonna.

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Surely every fucker involved would know by now to just shut their trap?

It comes back to bite them every single time.

Dumb cunts.


Lianne Sanderson is the worst of 'em.

She spouts absolute nonsense every time Utd comes up.

It’s really not tricky is it, just shut up. Same for most famous people. Should have all learned from Gerald Ratner in the early 90s.

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Who is this then?

They’ve got the referees to thank for the 6 points.


Someone post the responses from redcafe here.

After Brighton

Decent result for us that, kept the score respectable to a much better team. Pick your battles and that, we might be able to nick a point next week against Burnley.

Burnley are a good team. The first three matches not witstanding.

Alice is going fill another 20 minutes on this injury.

Though as Gary Neville once said, injuries are no excuse.

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Played for England, semi-pundit.

Fecking horrible, picked Utd for every trophy they were playing for when Ronaldo signed.

And she actually picked them to with the League this year based on their third last year.

Would not trust her to refill my car’s windscreen washer fluid.

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