Those jammy fuckers down the M62

He beat PSG with a team full of kids.

It’s the Utd way. Ole doesnt need experience or a track record. He has Utd DNA [/cliche]

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It’s a big squad. There could be two groups with opposing views?



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Given these choices, I’m on #teambanter

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Whenever I see post-match interviews with Bruno, I half expect him to:

A) Ask the interviewer to borrow £1 for the phone.

B) Offer 50p to borrow the interviewer’s phone.

C) Tell the interviewer he can get grade a shit but he needs the money up front and also needs to borrow his phone.

I don’t know what he’s like in the dressing room, obviously, but in all “public appearances” and on the pitch, he’s such an uninspiring, sulky, hangdog captain.



Cunt looks like Droopy.


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Everton’s only rivals are themselves they overcome being Everton they survive.

They don’t they go down.

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Jadon is not the problem, except for not training well, coming late or not showing up, unable to contact, showboating, etc. He should be coddled because he is a different talent. The basic jist of the story as I interpret it. It’s a fun read though when it’s a Utd fuckup.

Aye, it’s a very player centric perspective and so does feel too permissive of his attitude and behavior. His take on Utd’s failures over the whole thing are still good insight though and relevant to raise. Either they bought a primadonna and didnt know it, despite even me, some dickhead on a computer 6000 miles away, knew these stories about him. Or they knew it and seemingly had no management plan for him.


Pep and Klopp took a look at Sancho and decided he wasn’t for them. What made disfunctional United think he could be a revolutionary talent there when the two coaches who are the best at getting a tune out of young forward talent didn’t want him ?

I do think the praise of Sancho by Pep and Klopp was probably to trick United to buying them.

Sancho basically stopped performing once he got the 350k per week salary. Liverpool don’t offer that much money to anyone. Even Salah i believe earns less than that.

Just checked Salah earns 400k per week at Liverpool. But that’s after he’s proven himself.


I know our system puts some players off but I do think it’s why we get more effort generally over the Klopp period.


Haven’t seen anything except the result and that the goal was scored by Fernandes but I can almost guarantee that the punditry at large, media and a large section of their fans out will be going with any combination of the following in one breathless jizz fest.

‘‘United are back baby while Ten Hag emphatically answers critics with superb fighting display by a fanstastic team of amazing skill that now has definitely turned the corner which saw goalkeeper of the year Onana keep a clean sheet for the ages but truly led by a the most manly captains display by Bruno Fernandes that swept away all doubts of the fact that this team and manager are United of the 90’s with the skill of the team and the passion of the manager meaning United are back baby’’


@PeachesEnRegalia HAHA!!!

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A classic. Roy Chubby Brown might have gained fame with his version, but I’ll always dig the original.

On MoTD 2 they had a compilation of “the best PL volleyed goals” and they had nothing from LFC. At all. No Suarez or Gerrard or Torres. Bloody ridiculous

What about the volleyed goals, scored before 1992? Oh yeh, they didn’t happen.

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Best volleys in PL history?

Look no further than Di Canio’s, which might be the best goal in PL I’ve seen, let alone a volley.



Van Persie’s was probably the best.

Him, or Coates. Either one.

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and RedCafe explodes again

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