Those jammy fuckers down the M62

One more gem from Redcafe

“Good argument mate. Only Pep and Klopp are good enough to replace Ten Hag. That’s why we had so much competition to sign him and why big clubs are falling over themselves to try and get him out of Old Trafford, after such a sterling job”

The bitterness… United are the new Everton.


One more

It eats away at me that @mattyhurst has 205 more posts in here than I do.

Spam incoming.

Fortunately the current cache of banter material is rather large…

Please suggest a username.

I am going to sign up to the Caf to get this beauty back on the front page.


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Manchester United Bull Shit


MUMPS - Manchester United’s Menstrual Period Syndrome.



I’m going with Mubs.

Thanks @cynicaloldgit

Will report back…

RE: Rashford

“Just hours before training” could really mean anything. I doubt he was out past midnight honestly.

On a side note my Dad once ran into Robbie Fowler at a nightclub literally 12 hours before he played a game for Leeds. He was absolutely shitfaced. Then again Robbie never was a model of professionalism.


The Rashford thing is a non story being blown way out of propotion.

It was in a vip area booked to celebrate his birthday (so likely would have been booked months in advance) and from a couple of reports was fairly subdued and quiet so not like they were actually celebrating. Yes it looks bad, but when you scratch the surface and dig into the story a bit more, it really is a big deal being made out of nothing


If they were any good I wouldn’t post in here.

Tabloids are always out to get Rashford because of how he embarrassed them and the government, using his following to put a spotlight on their actions.

I’m delighted that he’s been shit at football this year, but he seems a good human being off the pitch and having a birthday party shouldn’t be a story


I can’t see the problem, he went out AFTER the game. So what? It’s a good job he doesn’t behave like George Best isn’t it.

Tabloids would do better if they comment on how shit he’s been playing instead.

Or maybe he’s just this average footballer who has 1 good season out of 3

The Rashford thing is a nothing story. Went out? What does that even mean? The issue is how much alcohol he drank, as if he showed up to training with a dodgy blood alcohol level, that’s out of order.

It sound like he was at a nightclub, probably arranged by friends for his birthday, and he had a couple of drinks. No evidence he was drunk, much less disorderly.

Optimal might have been going home, quiet dinner with your partner, relaxing evening, good night’s sleep, and ready for training the next day. I suspect most of his days are like that, but he is allowed to be a human being!


Surprised he’s drinking at all during the season

We don’t even know whether he’s been drinking.

It’s not unheard of for a teetotaller to give a bday party in a pub

True, we don’t know if he was drinking.

The sports science is up to the nth degree these days on diet, training and rest. With that said, there must be some wiggle room in there to eat a less than perfect meal, or have a (literal) drink or two.

When peop,e say they had a couple of drinks often they mean a lot more than that, but for a footballer, I do see a responsibility not to get smashed.