Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Also a post like

He’s clearly shown with Ajax that he can play good football. Yes he’s made some mistakes with transfers but he’s shown that he can coach players well. There’s every chance for the likes of Antony to come good.

I need to wash my hand after typing this.

Come on, don’t push it. It needs to be plausible.

It’s manure fans. They aren’t known for their intellect.

I wonder if Mubs has an opinion on this


I think we need to know more about Mubs. What is his ‘legend’? Where does he live? How old is he, how long has he supported ManU? All that sort of thing.

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if your looking for suggestions can we have some context?

are you going for the ‘old timer’ supporter vibe who was there on the terraces in the 80’s and remembers what its like to have no god given right to win, or you going for the more modern, entitled twat?

you could certainly lean into the;

‘for all the trophies we won under Sir Alex, and im not trying to be provocative here, some of the football at times wasnt as magical as what we like to remember…’

or, give sir a wee slap

‘we need to remember the landscape has changed, we need to seriously ask whether Sir Alex would have dominated this current era and im not so sure he would have…its a different world, ETH might not be the answer, but theres a need to understand where we sit in the current scheme of things’


‘city are obviously the marker, and that hurts to admit they are better at us in every department on and off the field…as a more relevant target we need to look at how well run LFC is, like us they are a traditional big club, but unlike us, they seem to have put everything in motion to be successful in this era of cheating’


drill down on sir…UTD fans still have one thing no matter how bad things get…under Sir they would have won…he would have made everything ‘right’…

watch them melt down once you question him…

His real name is Mubarak, but he’s called Mubs for short.

His parents own a curry house on the Golden Mile, but he obviously can’t say which one.

Being born in St Mary’s, he’s a lifelong United fan.



A picture in a united shirt will do.

You have to be sure.

Anyone can type any old shit on the internet.

Has to be one of the 90s United T shirt. Maybe a Pallister number. Since most of the glory boys won’t have seen Pallister , that will immediately boost his credentials.


It’s better to be a boy growing up watching the 90s United live when his dad took him to games. Keeps the age requirement nearer and would give a backstory of the family being United fans.

Now, I was thinking that Mubs was actually from the London area, and would sort of be trying to skirt around that fact. Not a regular match-goer, but maybe a 1-2 a year sort of guy.

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I wouldn’t go the curry house route. There’s plenty of Asian fans there in redcafe and he’ll be easily found out.

These kind of situations , the lesser you change of the backstory the better , as long as the main story if being a fan is believable.

Damn, are you suggesting that Mubs is Australian, but lives in the UK?!?

Yep. The nearer it is to real life , the more believable it becomes.

I always pictured him living inside the M25, along with all the other Utd fans.

Surely thats unlikeable enough without having to add the ManU glory hunting on top?

the ‘s’ throws the aussie angle. unless its prefaced with a ‘Y’

needs to be an ‘O’ or and ‘A’

Mubsy, Mubbo, or Mubba

i know a few of those guys…an embarrassment, each and every one of them…

Mubsy is getting some support soon.