Those jammy fuckers down the M62

keyser GIF

Carragher is tweeting its not a red either.

Goldbridge used this as some sort of evidence a few mins ago.

Love it.

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Robbie Savage said it was a straight red, it doesn’t matter if it was an accident. I’ve always liked Robbie.

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Scholsey saying it’s not a red.

He also said his daughter’s toes are delicious, so I’d take it with a pinch of salt.


Funny how that didn’t seem to matter in the context of Jones and MacAllister. :man_shrugging:t2:


If that was a Liverpool player at the receiving end of that tackle, I’d be absolutely livid.


Thats what boils my piss with a lot of the old pro bullshitters. Intent has no bearing on a red card its the much used cliche from the wankers.


It’s because it’s Saint Marcus.

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Of course Scholes would say that. He probably did that every single game he ever played.

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That was far too gentle and controlled for Scholes

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Well done Kobenhavn! utd last in their group with galatasaray to play away and bayern at home

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9 defeats in 17 games.


They basically have a free pass in that Bayern match but if Galatasaray turn it on in front of their fans, it won’t matter. That said, these lucky bastards always have it in them to sneak through somehow.

Oh, this would have been so much more enjoyable had we beaten Luton.


The US discussion of the red is hysterical (Carra, Richards, and Clint Dempsey).

The ref analysts explained that she understands the frustration but the ref applied the rule according to how they are directed to. She explained that intent is irrelevant in this case, and the fact the lad’s foot was planted significantly lowers the bar for the force needed to consider it a red.

The responses - anyone’s who’s played the game knows that’s only a yellow. Why? Well you need to have played the game. Furthermore, there was no intent.

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Lads, lads, the game has gone.

Thanks, Micah. Insightful as ever.

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Trouble is these pundits stopped playing 10 years ago when the way football was reffed was drastically different they are stuck in the past.

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“Yeah but we all know Rashy is a good lad. He had no intent.”

Bangs sign…Intent does not matter

“You’d understand that it does if you played”


Goldbridge right now is the exact opposite of pouring bleach into my eyes.
