Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Straight red against Rashford.

Don’t know why there’s any discussion

Cos he’s not a dirty player.

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Just because he is a saint and ‘national treasure’ doesn’t mean he is not able to commit a foul.

100% unintentional but it happened. Get over it.


Clearly you never played the game

What’s that supposed to mean?

It means I am trolling you/auditioning to be a pundit. :rofl:


Yeah, if he’d played the game then he’d know what it means.


Rookie mistake praising Liverpool mate.

If your not careful they will call you a scouse wum and ban you

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I think I’ve hit all my KPIs now.

Pretty sure Mubbo will be hanging up his boots fairly soon.

He has just started! Just think of what you can contribute to threads like ‘who we should get as our new manager’ and the like!

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The fact this was immediately preceded by a comment praising how well Utd had been keeping the ball…

:joy: :joy: :joy:


Like when you take your mind off FIFA

I’m sorry to say again it’s mubseh…

To be honest I’m disappointed.

Chasing kpi’s early can often lead to a lower quality product. Personally I feel you may have blown your load early here.

Also meeting kpi’s has never signalled to end of a project or contract as far as I’m aware. They may also change over the duration of a project.

Like a disappointing one night stand I think you’ll have to get back in there and take one for the team. If you come home with one arm, so be it.

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Jeezus, what the hell do your one night stands look like?!?

Kevin Pietersen Reaction GIF by Howzat

guessing you’ve never heard that expression…

It’s a sacrifice that I’m happy for @SBYM to take.

However In answer to your question. Varied.

I think you’re right, my bad. I completely forgot that in Canada it’s all about the moose.