Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Some of it does, definitely. But the ‘legacy’ players have a host of problems, basically the same problem but from previous management regimes. Their club culture seems to be an absolute mess. A forward not picking up the runs of their opposing fullback is fairly fundamental, really speaks to a lack of motivation. Granted, that does circle back to no longer believing in a manager. Given Toon’s injury situation, the fact that they sustained a much higher tempo for the whole match is fairly damning. Sometimes it can be the players AND the manager.

I thought Onana actually had a decent match, only 4 of Newcastle’s 22 shots were actually on goal but he prevented quite a bit of play in the box in a match that was mostly played in the ManU end.

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Fixed that for you.

For a moment there I actually thought ‘bellwether’ was ‘bedwetter’.

He probably is both.

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The most stunning thing of all the leaks coming out of the dressing room was the complaint that ETH was working them too hard during the pre-season. Can you imagine that happening under Klopp? I’d want to get whomever said that out of the dressing room ASAP.

… And Antony , Ambrat …
ETH has been a disaster transfer wise.

The best transfer he’s got for them is Martinez who’s injured and seemingly on a downturn even before his injury

Our lot never downed tools even under Rodgers. I don’t recall watching a Liverpool side which had ever not played for the club. Even under Woy.

United’s players on the other hand have downed tools and led to every manager getting sacked post Fergy. That’s the club culture.

Culture is hard to change. I’ve worked in such a place. The way to change it is to get rid of the people causing the toxic culture.

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Paging Mubsy , my guy is purely ETH out.

Can do with a “discussion” there to rile up the fanbois more and get more likes


I’m sure ETH rubs people up the wrong way, and is part of the problem. But it is much bigger than that. Recruitment, training, club structure, unity, uncertainty over being sold, etc.

Massive issues to sort out there.

If they are wise (and they are not) Jimbo comes in with a top director of football and they appoint a new manager and set about fixing it over the long term.

They will have to take some short term losses to start to get leverage in the transfer market, and on wages, as they have overpaid for a while, and that needs a reset too.

They need to recruit the best kids under a top football man, fire them up, and build a team, with a smattering of senior pros who have the right attitude.

Fortunately they look miles away from that.

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Hang on, Varane joined a year before Ten Hag. @SBYM @mubbsy, put this prawn sandwich brigade glory merchant in his place, let him know that ManU are not a sacking club.

Stay off the Liverpool comparisons, you’ll get found out

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That was always going to be an issue, you can only work them hard for so long and that period will be much shorter for those not used to it and either think themselves above it or incapable of sustaining it due to age or injury. But they haven’t appeared capable of signing players who thrive on that either which just adds fuel to the fire…

Yep; his posting history’s pretty transparent.


But wait! There’s more!

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Yeah , forgot about that. Good catch that. But gives the ammo to mubsy.

Don’t think so. It’s in most manure fans to look at Liverpool and do comparisons. I’ll be fine.

Isak from Newcastle would have been a better comparison, particularly coming off a match against them.


It’s a deadset Clown College.

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I’d like to think that any player approached by Man U will now turn to his current teammates and management and say “That’s it! You people have stood in my way long enough! I’m going to clown college.”

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: