Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Hojluund is clearly a talent - the focus should be on coaching him, not brining in the next Harry Kane. They have plenty of attacking options - they need to focus on other areas of the pitch.

Long may their disfunction continue I say.

I like him. I think heā€™s going to be a good one.

Klopp would make him a superstar

Man, I just canā€™t agree on Hojlund. He looks like a clogger to me, white Lukaku. Terrible first touch, off the ball movement isnā€™t great, and he canā€™t create space at all.

He might develop some of those skills, but at this point I canā€™t see it, and now the massive price tag and having to play every match will probably ruin him.

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The scouting on him when he arrived was that he was far more suited to playing in transition. This was how most of his football had been played, and his stats showed weakness in a more possession based game. It was a signing that belied the supposed intent for Utd to play a more front foot sort of football where they are expected to take the game to the opponent, the sort of thing they had issues with last year and was accepted even by EtH as what they needed to do to take the step from last season to real challengers. It also makes a mockery of his excuses for not having the right players to play that Ajax style now.

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NFL fans think they have spotted Slur Alex Ferguson in a blonde wig :joy:

Does this mean that Man United have started making some proper moves towards becoming good again? Man Cityā€™s hierarchy, for all of their corruption, consists of some of the very best in business after all.

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They will somehow fuck it up.

was thinking the same about jumping ship,

deserting before the shit hits the fanā€¦

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Yeah that was my thoughts

He is an interesting guy. He was part of the crew who moved over from Barca to City, but he was to my knowledge the first one to do it, even before Soriano, the guy who is commonly positioned as the one who led that mass transfer of talent between the clubs.

Jumping ship is a reasonable question to raise, but its also a promotion, and one he seemingly wasnt getting at City with Soriano showing no signs of going anywhere and so in that sense it is somewhat of a natural move for a person who sees his role in football as just any other business - heā€™s american and has already moved from Barca to City.

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I would assume they will beat the Gambia to be one of the 3rd place teams.

Maybe but I wouldnā€™t be worried about it. Theyā€™ve got a lot of things to get right in order to become competitive and even if they do, weā€™ll still go head to head with them, just like we have with their cheating bastard neighbours. We do need to retain the services of Herr Klopp for as long as possible though.

On another note, It wonā€™t happen but it would be hilarious to see Berrada serve a ban at Man United for violations he committed while at City as a result of the PL investigation.

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That last point is under valued but knowing their recent history is entirely within reason :joy:


Find it remarkable they still have this guy on their books.

I still recall the fights I had with a few of my Utd supporting friends over their anger he was not included in Franceā€™s world cup squad in 2018. Disgraceful decision apparently.

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Maybe they were just really against France winning the world cupā€¦in which case I could see why it would be a disgraceful decision.


Think when he was first signed he looked the business for about 6 months and I thought shit heā€™s going to be a monster for them :rofl: