Those jammy fuckers down the M62

@Mascot, comment?

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I can comment here as a fellow member of the St Marcus Bleeding Hearts: the poor guy is trying to do some good but unfortunately he plays for that rabble and his on field stuff is getting too much attention. Itā€™s not like heā€™s a professional footballer and his team pay his wages or anything :joy:
Imagine if he had come through under Klopp though - heā€™d be a beast.

I think Rashford has done brilliant stuff off the pitch, and forced action on an issue that was literally leaving children hungry. Massive, massive props to him.

On the pitch heā€™s stagnated at Old Trafford, but thatā€™s hardly a surprise. Itā€™s a fucking toxic environment. He had the offer to come to Liverpool when he was a kid - imagine what Klopp could have done with him.

What I most often have issue with is people who conflate the two. Rashford needs to stop campaigning against child poverty, and concentrate more on kicking a ball around. Jesusā€¦

As for being in love with him, yeah I play along with that stuff for a laugh, but thatā€™s what I think. Huge respect for him a person, slight bafflement at how itā€™s all gone wrong for him as a footballer, with a suspicion a lot of the blame might be down to the culture heā€™s playing in.


The obvious thing with Rashford so far in his career is a huge lack of consistency. Itā€™s obvious now that most people (him included) agrees heā€™s no striker. Heā€™s best in that left inside channel, facing the goal. So heā€™s not a very rounded player, but someone whoā€™s main attributes can be really decisive in the final third. Whenever he had a top season or period, when you expected him to kick on now, he has fallen in the following campaign. Impossible for us to know extra stuff from his private life and how it impacts his football.

Letā€™s face it Anthony is shit and a scumbag.

At least Rashford is just performing shit.

And going out on the lash and phoning in sick when he has a hangoverā€¦

Who hasnā€™t done this?

In crimes it pales into comparison to what is alleged to what Antony has done.

I mean if youā€™re talking about us average arseholes with normal jobs, then yeah. But weā€™re not, weā€™re talking about a professional athlete on 400k per week if rumors are to be believed. Thereā€™s no excuse for it, and you can see it has Tenth Hag visibly rattled. Good.

Still I was making a comparison between a alleged rapist and a young guy who got drunk and phoned in sick.

I know you donā€™t like Rashford but there is no comparison

I think the lesson here is that United as a club seem to attract utter dickheads. Long may it continue.

And this is why the no dickheads policy is so important to what weā€™ve been able to do it. The impact it has on the otherwise hardworking responsible players to see a dickhead rock up, do dickhead things and be allowed to get away with them is really poisonous.


Exactly. Culture is hard to change without dramatic changes, usually by clearing out the people causing the problems.

But there could be something more endemic. Reports are that United are looking at yet another Ajax player. Are you kidding me?

Henderson :0)

Note the Fans Forum video thumbnail has been chaged toā€¦

Unitedā€™s level! United escape embarrassment!


Goldbridge must have done some CEO dick-swinging and yelled at the work experience kid to change it.


Iā€™ve never done it.

My last day of work before I went travelling, instead of calling in sick I went in.

My boss took one look at me and put me on a camp-bed in the kitchen.

Oh to be in my early-20s againā€¦


(But srslyā€¦Iā€™ve called in sick plenty of times, usually after one of those ā€˜no sleep weekendsā€™)ā€¦

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TĆ“ be honest I havenā€™t.

But yeah Iā€™ve done mental health days.

Also, how hard is it to turn up for training hungover.

Itā€™s not like starting in the office at 8am sharp and having to be at the desk for 9 hours. They generally start training around 10 and it goes for 2-3 hours then they have lunch and fuck off unless they want to put in extra training in the gym or on specific things (penalties, free kicks ectā€¦)

I think it speaks to more going on beneath the surface. Since Ten Hag has come in, there have been public bust-ups with Ronaldo, Sancho, and now Rashford, in addition to rumored bust-ups with Martial and Varane. The job feels too big for Tenth Hag, and itā€™s only adding to the toxicity that has already existed at the club for a long time.

Dave Chappelle Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

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I like Rashford as a player, always have. Despite his ups and downsā€¦He hasnā€™t done anything ā€œwrongā€ per se for any fans to get up in arms over but how it looks, it could be a sign of unprofessionalismā€¦something which no manager will tolerate.

Surprised he signed a new deal, doesnā€™t look happy at Utd at all and surely he must be able to see that?