Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Any chance we can ease up on the bald jokes around here?

Asking for a friend…

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Proven Innocent Judge GIF by FOX TV


Aged like milk

Apologise for checks notes showing an unedited 15 second clip of the Man Utd captain playing football.


He really is getting tetchy.

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I can’t stop laughing at how pathetic this whole episode makes them look.


I hope more clubs follow suite. The more that makes them look shit the better I say


There is no amount of mockery that would be excessive for this and their pathetic response. The kicker - Ten Hag’s explanation is Bruno is able to do this because he such an incredibly high pain threshold

Emilia Clarke Laughing GIF


The blame for the playacting rest squarely at the door of ETH for not outlawing it, or Eric Toast Hag as some pundits have started calling him

A bit of banter from Fulham adds to the fun of the game.

ETH getting his knickers in a twist over it is misplaced on at least two levels. First, if you can’t laugh along, just ignore it, or you are giving it way more oxygen than it otherwise would have received. Second, is there an actual issue to look at with Bruno? I think so. His manager needs to have a word and tell him to stop the ridiculous play acting.

ETH won’t do that, as he isn’t a top level leader, which is one of the reasons why he won’t be at the helm for long.

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Pmsl with that brilliant

I have only seen this because ETH complained about it, thanks Eric.


Barbra Streisand will be relieved when people just start calling it the Bruno Fernandes effect.

doctor who sherlock GIF

That’s like putting a hand up to the face before they start talking.

This is bound to boil some piss…

I disagree. I think Bruno needs lots of protection and any player that tackles him should get a yellow card (this weekend only)

Seems reasonable

Will Fulham respond? ETH has demanded an apology. What will Fulham do?

Ignore it? And if so, will ETH speak again and keep it going?

Or will Fulham respond, and if so, will it be an apology, or will they poke at it some more?

E.g. “We are sorry that ETH and Manchester United cannot take a joke. Since he has called for Fulham to respond, we urge him to keep his own players in check. The clip we highlighted saw Bruno Fernandes rolling around on the ground for some time, raising his hand in the air and calling for medical assistance. When the referee didn’t blow his whistle for a free kick, or stop play, Fernandes appeared to make a miraculous recovery, springing to his feet and calling for the ball at the edge of the box as Manchester United attacked.”

We look forward to hearing Ten Hag’s observations on the incident.