Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Yeah but it’s evident that Cynical isn’t drinking shit lagers is it?

I’m not sure I’ve ever boycotted anything because a rival fan club has it on their shirts.

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I have.

I used to enjoy a cheeky Chang or 2 when travelling to Asia, but gave it up in 2004. I also have refused to buy JVC electronics, Chevrolet, Team Viewer, Sharp, Vodaphone because I am that petty


I prefer a high water content in my horse piss.


If I was being forced to drink horse piss I think I’d appreciate it being watered down a bit


And how are you, bhai?

Good or bad, life goes on…till it ends.

Recently too many friends and acquaintances leaving this world like falling ten Hags - oops, I mean tenpins.
But that’s life. How long one lives is not as important as how one lives.

I’ve been doing lots of leisure travelling since the transition of the pandemic to endemic state.
And almost monthly trips to the region all lined up for the rest of the year.
To everyone, life is short, go forth and enjoy* while we can.

*watching ten Hag turning umpteenth corners included. :smile:


Sharp became shit a while back. Does the company still exist ?

Team Viewer is a necessary evil in my org.

Chevrolet made shit overpriced cars for the Indian market. Fitting comparison with the manures

Vodafone has almost exited from India.

JVC - didn’t think they existed recent times


You seem to be the expert here. I’ll defer to your knowledge on the same.

Both Miller lite and bud light are shit beers though.

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I’m struggling to think of anything I’ve owned that’s been on a rival kit.

I used Expedia for Berlin a few months back but that’s on ours. And unless the government decide to deport me I won’t be visiting Rwanda.

I’ve had Adidas running shoes for a while before I switched to Nike and then to Puma. Worn through the Puma shoes now.

Had NB in between and those were absolutely crap.

The Adidas shoes were crap too fwiw.

Ah I don’t count that stuff as they don’t solely do one team.

Like I’ve had loads of sports gear.

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Watching Stockport and I thought Ten Haag was playing…


That’s his son, eleven Hag.

Agree there! There aren’t very many large US brewers who make much better than the equine urine.

I was recalling an Australian brew from years back: Victoria Bitter. Thought that was fairly good.

It’s all relative. Anything is good in comparison to American beer, even Australian beer.

It must be said, though, that there are some excellent independent beers being brewed in both countries these days.


VB and Fosters are pretty crap as well.

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In comparision among large scale beer manufacturers, Carlsberg is pretty okay. It’s not great but it’s not bad.

As is Heineken too btw.

I tend to rate all the mass produced beers comparing them to Kingfisher. Kingfisher isn’t great but I’ve had so much of it that it makes for a good basepoint to start comparisons with.

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Even mass produced Real Ale can taste like Piss.

Doom Bar anyone.

Odd really as Sharps aren’t the worst brewery once you dig below Doom Bar.

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Me to but that’s because they are all shit.

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Lager is for girls.
Usually accompanied by a dash of lemonade or lime

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Quite true.

I am curious: if I were to walk into a Liverpool pub, what would be the beer of local popularity? I would imagine it would be a smaller craft producer, but perhaps not?

For comparison purposes: our LFC pub here sells an insane amount of Carlsberg (largest sales for the beer in any pub in the state I understand from the owner). But Guinness also gets popularity, along with the horse-pee American corporate brewers.

Just curious.