Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Delving a tad deeper into getting Slur Alex away from the ground and banning him from the dressing room… makes me wonder if they have sorted a deal for a new manager for next season, and dragging Purple Nose off his imaginary throne had to be one of the terms in accepting the deal/role…! :man_shrugging:
Sort of demand Maureen would want eh

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While I agree there is a financial sense to cutting that expenditure, it doesnt really do anything in terms of actual importance. He hasn’t stopped the club haemorraghing its money through transfers and playing squad which is where his focus on costs really should be.


It’s probably Radcliffe’s way of going oh look I sacked some senior people while cutting the jobs of the lowest paid in a higher number and unlike Sir Alex they don’t have much to fall back on.



Tuchel not heading to Old Toilet anytime soon. :rofl:


Paying Fergy some millions when he’s just layed off 250 people won’t look good.

Quite a lot of the 250 people need money more than what Fergy needs.


Fatty Howson from Stretford Paddock made what I thought was an interesting point.

He’s had £20m+ off them since retiring.

Not bad work, if you can get it…


More than the salary he was being paid.

As much as he’s responsible for making United what they are. His book deals etc etc on the back of the United fame would get him much more too.

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Still only a quarter of one Antony.



I’m not sure this has happened. His role was global ambassador. He will remain on the board as a non-exec member, and certainly hasnt been told he cant attend games. Not sure how often, if at all, he was going into the dressing rooms.

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Yeah you could be right… Differing reports are offering different versions of events. Time will tell, but either way, it does look as though the marble plinth so many of his supporters place him upon, has definitely began to crumble

The tabloids are saying he’s been BANNED from the dressing room, but the articles all seem to suggest all board members are being told their access to the dressing room post game has been taken away - I assume this access was more an opportunity board members to go see the team and celebrate etc.

Usual tabloid clickbait headlines.

He is and will remain a legend for United, and rightly so. If he’s had a strong hand in the club over the last 10 years, it’s difficult to see where he’s had a positive impact, so its likely the right thing to do for United. I suspect we’ll still see plenty of whiskey nose at Old Trafford.


No big loss for him then…

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Unless he feels like an entitlement has been taken away, and decides to turn on Radcliffe and the Glazers. The man could do a lot of damage with a green and yellow scarf.


Salford City may need a new manager soon



Everton might do as well, and we all know about that well trodden path from Manc reject to Woodeson.

Nuthin from nuthin, but I would have sex with this version of drunk Delia Smith right now.


Shit. There has been some kinky shit posted on here on occasion but this is next level.