Those jammy fuckers down the M62

Ya wonder, is Maguire just an $80M version of Phil Jones? Can’t get into the side ahead of a left back. It’s weird. In fairness to Shaw, he does seem to make fewer mistakes than Maguire and seems handier moving the ball forward, which I thought was supposed to be one of Maguire’s strengths.

To be fair, his assessment of Maguirre isn’t too far off

From what I remember of watching, his assessment of his own level of play might be just a teeny bit inaccurate


Jones , pre injury was better. Not that it’s tough to do

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In his defence, he got dropped for Maguire by Ole. I can totally see why he would be shitty about that.

His valuation of his own level though is probably bluster to defect from the fact that he got replaced by someone with the turning circle of the International Space Station


I’ve known all along, and mentioned it multiple times, the bacon faced twisted old cunt retired when it became obvious he wasn’t equalling Bobs record.


Geez… ten years already that we are rid of this cunt. How time flies by…

Typical United fans. Blame the Glazers when things are not going to plan and reserve praise only for ETH.

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I love these mornings…


Goldbridge yesterday went straight from giving DDG a pass to saying Glazer’s out.

It’s quite hilarious.


We need Qatar! lololol. What, they need to spend another couple of billion? Yep, its the lack of money that’s the problem, not the folks making the decisions. :wink: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

I fucking love this tinpot club.


Neville blaming the Glazers for everything. I watched the game and didn’t notice the the name Glazer on the team sheet. Also the media and fans making De Gea the scapegoat for the defeat. What about the rest of the team, who were all absolutely shite? West Ham battered them and were unlucky not to score 3 or 4 goals.


So telling that he refused to take the post-match interviews. Spent much of his career expecting others to smile and accept losses graciously, particularly in the face of stunningly bad refereeing performances favouring his side. Happens to him, out the toys go from the pram.


Also telling is the framing. You would never know from that BBC write up that Nani’s was a thoroughly deserved red card. As happened so often, even when he’s being a twunt, Fergie gets the narrative framed the way he wants.

Which is why they report this comment from his final program and so with a straight face

“It was important to me to leave the organisation in the best possible shape and I believe I have done so.”


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But instead, I’ll throw Moyes under a bus, so my legacy can read something like “Manchester Utd cant compete now that the irreplaceable Sir Alex has retired”

Horrible whisky soaked twat of a man

That last line was brilliant.

This was the call that he thought was ‘scandalous’

Still would.

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Probably just as well, de Gea would have made a balls of the pass.

I’ve got several reasons why selling to a state is a bad reason.

This lot are fuckheads I hope they get ruined.

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Manchester United are interested in 20-year-old Anderlecht and Netherlands keeper Bart Verbruggen, with De Gea’s number one status at the Old Trafford club in doubt. (Manchester Evening News)

Where’s @Iftikhar and his “please” gif?

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