UEFA Champions League

Not a bad night for us. Hope atletico does us a favour and knocks over city tonight

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Wouldnt mind either. We have improved in our possession play and can beat villareal.

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I think we can beat them but it wonā€™t be pretty and there is very little room for error. The Bayern goal last night came from a very rare Villareal defensive mistake. The goal they scored against Bayern was a very rare counter-attack.


If that was a rare mistake I wonder how they managed to draw 10 matches and lose 9 (31 matches) in their own competition and 1 draw and 2 losses (6 matches) in the CL group?

I donā€™t think it is that rare. If we get through tonight they will be parking the bus like 90% of our opponents do, it is up to us to find the solutions and put them under so much pressure that they will make mistakes. If we donā€™t do that, we have a problem.


The only team that gives me pause right now is City. Iā€™m confident on Liverpool beating any other side over two legs.

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Not that confident than you. I watched the Bayern match yesterday.
Villareal played two banks of four and one bank of two, we are used to that in the PL.
But they know also how to kick a ball and will hit us on the counterattack.
yes, if we go through this night it will be possible to reach the final.
I for one would have preferred to meet Bayern.


Objectivelly, of course Iā€™d rather play Villarreal.


Out of interest, why? Because itā€™s more of a show-piece fixture against Bayern? Or do you view Bayern as an easier game to make the final?

For me, the preference pre-match was Villareal, and that happened. Theyā€™ll not be a pushover, but in theory, it should be easier than facing Bayern twice. That might help make things easier in the league. Every little thing going our way is needed if we are to secure this historic quadruple.


I just thought it would be a vastly more entertaining match to watch.


Fuck it.

Iā€™d rather take us potentially ending the tie after the first leg v Villareal over 2 games v Bayern which would probably push us to our limits at the wrong time of the season.

Iā€™m a STH and Bayern is the glamour time but Iā€™ll take Villarreal or the lesser opponent at this stage of the season


I for one prefer Bayern out. More as a matter of principle.



Bayern are the top Bundesliga side with major stars and Villareal are 7th in La Liga. Iā€™ll be wary of Emery and his European competition skills but i know which team is easier.


Not really got any grip with either Bayern or Villareal, although I do have a small soft spot for Bayern as it was them that got the coaches to test and vouch for Craig Johnstonsā€™ design of the Preditor boot.

But Villareal have Emry (who I thought was given a raw deal by AFTV - the deluded cunts) and Alby (God loves a trier, and he tried his heart out, bless 'im), but I think Villareal would be a less nervous tie compared to Bayern, so am happy with that.

Also Emery deserves payback for his Sevilla side beating us in the Europa Final. Also Alberto, bless himā€¦but with the errors he made in that final , he needs to make those same errors against us.

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Should be easy enough with a torn ACL.


poor sod. Didnā€™t know.

Guess that makes our job tougher

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Iā€™m not sure why so many on here think Bayern is easier than Villareal (caveat, didnā€™t watch the games), considering they had 180 minutes and still lost.

Still have to make it through Benfica, mindā€¦

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Last night was one of those games - full credit to Villareal, but they were outshot 23-4. Their defence was effective in making many of those shots less dangerous, but Bayern could have readily won that match. Villareal had one shot on goal, and one goal. Had Bayern managed a first half goal, they might have torn Villareal apart.

That said, Emery has a way of setting up his sides that just keeps producing that kind of result late on in knock-out play, so we would be foolish to underestimate them if we get past Benfica. It just wonā€™t be the toe-to-toe scrap it would have been with Bayern.


On the other hand, Villareal could have, maybe even should have easily scored two more in the first leg, pretty much outplayed them at home.
(Only watched the highlights, but even Bayern had to admit that)


You can see the headlines now, Liverpool have had such an easy route to the final stages, while MC have had to get past top notch, best of the best, oppositionā€¦ bla, bla blaā€¦ Liverpool will finally face some proper opposition and will come up shortā€¦