UEFA Champions League

Definitely should not be scrapped, should rather be improved upon. The main issue is that people don’t know what’s going on, and some of the commentators don’t even know which fuels the flames. The route to go down is having it explained via the stadium sound system, probably shouldn’t be the ref, get someone from VAR to explain decision that way there is a possibility to do it in both official languages of the teams playing.


If we can’t get the personnel in (which we won’t) they yes it definitely should be…it’s a waste of money and a huge waste of everyone’s time.

This is the 3rd season now, so it’s not a case of still being in practise or under it’s probation period.

Big decisions are being wrongly called/let go every week.

In fact the whole law book needs to be scrapped, and only apply common sense and judge it for how it’s seen at the time…no more of this 2nd phase bollocks, no more taking 3-4 mins to make a single decision.

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Couldn’t agree more.

Not only are stupid and contentious decisions being made, but it’s only a matter of time until someone gets needlessly injured while play is still continuing after a clear offside.

Go back to the old-fashioned system, where the referee’s assistant (that can be changed back to linesman, while we’re at it) flags as soon as an offside is spotted.

Incidentally, I’m no fan of American imports but we could introduce an NFL-style coach’s challenge system for major decisions- penalties, dangerous challenges and offsides. If a coach is proven to be correct on an offside, a direct free kick is awarded from the spot of the incident.

Like in the NFL, a coach would only get two challenges per game, with a third available if both the first two were correct.


Well they should start with your last paragraph and simplify rules, and that should improve the var by itself. The money thing is ridiculous when looking at the economic value of the game, yet this is an organization that will look at extra expense as money out of their own pocket/salary, so yeah it’s probably true.

I like the way different sports have adapted, like rugby. They seem to be much quicker to adapt, however I think that is also partially down to the size of the organizations. I lost the ability to keep track of all the rule changes in rugby so it’s refreshing to not have to learn a new or changed rule, just get the var to explain it.

The technology is close to fine, it’s the people implementing it, yet if you remove them then you will have the same issues, but this time 100% now with the refs again. I prefer these debatably wrong decisions rather than a stupid ref that falls for every dive and misses important fouls, or a linesman that fucks up a blatant offsides.

For the Kane goal you had to look at rule 1.1a and 1.1b, however if 1.2a was relevant, 1.1a was overruled by 2.c, so yes, rules are way to complicated.

No fucking ways, I don’t want Boehly going on TV and say “I told you so!”. Choose a different sport (rugby).

Yep - I’ve said this a few good times. Mic the refs up - make them accountable to explain their decision making, give the VAR ref a mic too. Another good example is cricket - albeit that’s more black and white in terms of the DRS system, with little subjectivity.

That may also result in the referee’s not being hounded as much. Rarely see dissent towards refs in rugby. .


As the old saying goes:

“Football is a gentleman’s game played by hooligans, and rugby is a hooligan’s game played by gentlemen.”


The US coverage was a shit show. It was enlightening that most of the ex pros (Henry, Carra, Richards, Schmeichel) were incorrectly focused on the ball being played backwards (i.e. they dont know the actual rules), but more enlightening was that the ref they had on to explain the call made it increasingly unclear what had happened with each additional sentence. The key issue was Kane needs to be behind the ball, not the player passing it to him. Somehow she never came close to breaking it down that simply, and she is an example of a highly rated top level ref. This is why they are not allowed to communicate to us, because they speak in riddles that mean nothing. the fact this is so universal among the top refs has to speak to an issue in how they are trained to think about things.


Yeah I thought it had gone automated? Was it due to the player deflection though? And whether you deem it natural or not. I didn’t bother so maybe not.

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They did confirm that it was done using the semi-automated system, and so they identified Kane was ahead of the ball in normal quick time. It then seems the delay was trying to determine if the deflection from the defender was “deliberate”. given that seems to be what the decision hangs on I actually have some sympathy for the Spurs team for being frustrated the decision on that was not made by the ref, but by the VAR booth. It’s difficult to defend them using the explanation of a focus on allowing the on-pitch ref to maintain decision making power as a way to explain some odd decision and then make this one in the VAR booth.

What was confusing was the images given to TV were not from the semi-automated system, which is apparently something that happens from time to time with no explanation from UEFA for why they are not providing the real images.


We’re stilling waiting on this, eh?

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It is kind of amusing how hated this change is (the flagging, not the VAR obviously) in cranky old man footy. The sight of a 20 meter sprint for the ball that gets waved offside when the ball is played, both attacker and defender ending up cursing the referee is good comedy.


I’m not too bothered but if I can see it’s blatantly offside there is no point waiting around.


That’s usually about the incompetence of the refereeing team to begin with anyway. But on the offside part, isn’t that how it’s already happening?


I was hoping they would chalk off the goal just to watch Cunty lose his rag it was beautiful he went full throttle again and st Harry’s goal would have stood in the premier league offside or no offside


Was that Cuntys nephew?

They also allow the refs and VAR to be heard by everybody not a murmur of dissent once the decision is taken everyone knows why it either given or not given

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I bet they loved VAR in 2019.

Fickle cunts!

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Heard this same bollocks over Everton goal.

But fundamentally if the linesman had been good he would have spotted it was offside obviously maybe just maybe if you are unsure put it up and let VAR intervene if wrong. Balls in the net it will be overturned if you are wrong and the disappointment lasts seconds rather than minutes and if you are wrong and it is on side then great.

Did VAR’s intervention ruin the game against Man City for Liverpool, no because it was a foul and the ref was crap enough not to spot it.