UEFA Champions League

Probably though that’s usually FA draws not UEFA.

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To think he was playing for Stoke and their supporters used to take the piss out of him didn’t he go to PSG 1st

I hope that both Real and PSG fuck up tomorrow

What do Stoke know about football.

I’d prefer a German or Portuguese side but mainly because they have been decent games in the last few seasons.

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I don’t how old you are but they used to be quite a force many moons ago but they must have seen something in him to have signed him and the team perhaps he was playing with were not of the right standard

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Maybe in the quarter-finals :wink:

Celtic getting hammered. A bit weird how both Celtic and Rangers found their way into Champions League this year.


Remaining games tonight looking boring.

Uefa need to look at stripping it down back to 1 club.

Juve PSG it is.

I think they actually made it harder for Scottish clubs to qualify about four years ago, which makes it even more amazing they both found their way in.

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What do you mean by harder, how so? Every league other than the majors which have at least 3 reps per nation surely go through the same process…entering the rounds at the same time etc.

My word what a goal from Mbappe.

There’s levels and then there’s Mbappe, this guy is the best on the planet no doubt in my mind.

I think it’s right to let them in and watch them get humiliated over and over again.

Great Mbappe goal and great refereeing.

Poor Juve defender tugs the shirt which would normally be free kick and take the yellow card for the team. Ref plays on Mbappe scores and the defender still gets the card. Haha.



Bonucci, no less than they deserve tbf Juve been very good.

Not sure how he’s that far up in open play but there you go, nice diving headed assist by Cuadrado.

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They did two things, one made it easier to get the champions in and the other made it harder to get a second team in. They gave more automatic places to league champions and Scotland are high enough to claim one of those. That puts more clubs from leagues like France and Portugal in qualifying, but they concentrate all those sides in the non-champions part, keeping them away from many of what would be considered the weaker sides left in the draw who stay in the Champions bracket. That means you end up with a final round of qualifying with the champs of Bulgaria playing the champs of Azerbajan in that bracket, and Benfica playing Monaco in the other.

I just saw that Chiesa made it back to the bench today after 10 months out. I was going to ask if anyone thought it would be in time to make the world cup then remembered.

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Pretty sure he’s got another 4 years left in him at least, yes Limie.

What I find somewhat odd is the group we were in bar Rangers was probably on par with the other three English teams, and Napoli were probably the best team any four of us faced and yet we will tally more points than all of them.