UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Assuming it’s real, although I have my doubts, I’d be very interested how Labour intend to come up with a logical and effective solution.
Yes we have a moral and humanitarian duty to help genuine refugees.
Yes there are many immigrants who occupy genuinely useful and important roles within our society.

But, we’re a small island, with way too many people already living here without a roof over their heads, this needs to be addressed at the very least in equal measure to allowing more people into the country for whatever reason.

To keep up with forecasted population growth, commitments need to be made to build affordable housing.
If as expected Labout get into power, will they start the ball rolling on this, where will the funds come from?
If it doesn’t happen, will Labour be strong enough to say sorry we’d love to help but we’re full up

Quite easy to be honest.

Follow the process set out in the 1951 refugee convention.
Resource it properly
If necessary have a proper process facility in Calais as offered by the French and provide transport.
Process asylum applications quickly.

As for other immigration set up a points system or whatever other assessment or criteria you want.

Our government has not done a single one of those things. Not one.


Hope you’re paying attention Keir.

It is probably aimed at the general election, but i guess plays into the local ones through the housing issues

There is nothing on this poster that Labour haven’t been saying for months.

Process claims and sort the backlog. It really isn’t hard.


The real problem is that all our growth plans are worthless without migration. We’re an ageing population and as there are nowhere near enough people of working age to support our older people.

That is the great unspoken truth of the migration debate.


I had a leaflet through my door this week from our Tory Mayoral candidate, blaming Labour for bankrupting Nottingham Council. Absolutely fucking shameless.

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Damn, how dare we get old and claim our pension, which is oddly now being described as a benefit rather than an entitlement.

Your veiled hatred of old people doesn’t do much to provide a suggestion of how the previously stated problems are efficiently addressed though.

Fuck me. That is word-twisting truly worthy of CCHQ.


Yes, maybe a bit harsh :rofl:

But as happens too often in todays society, point out the problem but offer no solution

The real problem is that different problems are added to the initial problem. Which just confuses the issue like you did.
In your mind they may be related but the solutions are very different. Which just goes to show how crazy the situation has got due to policies across the board.
As soon as you start adding unrelated problems and making excuses you start going down very slippery slopes where there is no solution …


You don’t think that’s aimed at Faragists?

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Well worth a read. I’ve just ordered the book, too.


She will be a loss to UK politics. Always a good example for when people say ‘All politicians are the same’.
They aren’t. Some are like her, some are like Nadine Dorries.


Migration is a solution, possibly the only solution, to an ageing population. I’m not the one trying to take it away.

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it’s a very short-sighted solution to what is really a problem that society’s evolution has created.

I don’t like the way Labour are using the Union Flag, and it’s obviously an appeal to patriotism.

Having said that, I maintain that there is nothing on that leaflet that they have been saying for a year now.

Labours answer to the boats thing has always been process the claims and get the system working.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I didn’t want to exacerbate the situation by making it worse.