UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

It does indicate that the Social Democrats and Socialists were quite successful, even without direct power.

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Perfectly reasonable post?

ā€œI have a driving licence (which mean I drive a car) and a passport (which means I take foreign travel) so these poor people have no excuse not to voteā€

Obviously you havenā€™t used your stropā€¦sorry Haitus to broaden your horizons.

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It isnā€™t democratic to put unnecessary barriers in front of people, especially when there simply wasnā€™t a problem worth legislating on.

Round 362. Ding ding :bell:

Well Iā€™m sure if Keir agrees with you heā€™ll remove them

I momentarily misread that as ā€˜haikusā€™

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Is the punditry suggesting that last nightā€™s election results mean anything other than confirmation of Sunakā€™s scapegoat status - his job now being to lead the Conservatives to slaughter so that the next leader doesnā€™t have that on their record?


Couldnā€™t wait could you?

And by definition, flying to foreign countries and driving IS broadening oneā€™s horizons.

Yes, he should resign now, and use the hiatus to write haikus.

Oh, give over. If youā€™re back after your strop letā€™s not do this again.

Labour have taken North Yorkshire - which is properly impressive - a very Tory area, and Sunakā€™s constituency. And look set to win East Mids - my area - where there are loads of traditional Tory heartlands.

Listening to the BBC today, youā€™d think it had been a disaster for Labour. Seriously biased reporting. Championing Teesside and West Mids as victories for Sunak. Both Andy Street and Ben Houchen went out of their way to distance themselves from the Government.

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Well argued to my astute and beautifully articulated rebuke to your standard insult.

From the BBC :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Look, Conservatives are dead and Labour will walk the next election, thatā€™s not news. The actually results over the next 48 hours are irrelevant. Itā€™s almost all going away from blue but very interesting as to where itā€™s landing.

How popular are Labour? Screaming Lord Sutch and the Monster Raving Loony Party are almost on par in terms of gains :rofl:

By a considerable margin.

Looking at those numbers, even if it is only local and regional elections, surely there is no way Conservatives are going to win the nationwide elections whether they call for it now or next year. Those numbers look pretty indicative that common people are sick of the conservative rule?

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Everyone is bored of us. Iā€™m fucking bored of us. The only person getting any pleasure from this is you, with your vain, delusional self-satisfaction at your tedious responses to me, like a chimpanzee enjoying the smell of its own farts.


True, but they will hold on, praying for a miracle and meanwhile giving their donors fat contracts.

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Think it is more a case of trying to find a way to make the loss as small as possible. Holding on until later in the year gives them a chance that tax cuts, fall in interest rates and fall in inflation allow people to start feeling better off and so some votes may return to conservatives. Furthermore, there may be some development (such as the conflict in Gaza) that will hurt Labour more than conservatives.

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