Not unreasonable. The economic boom is extremely unlikely considering everything going on in the world though.
So you’re left with the choice between the party whose policies caused the decline, or someone else who may be uninspiring, but isn’t responsible for the current state of affairs.
Personally i’d prefer a serious politician who is focussed on fixing the utter mess the UK is in, and ready to put in place policies that drive out the people and behaviour we’ve seen from politicians over the last 14 years.
If that means its someone with the charisma of a brick so be it. Function over form for me right now. I dont want a PM to be about them.
Ultimately I concede the UK will need someone charismatic enough to take on the shit show of the press but I dont think that person exists. Even Klopp struggled to take on the PL, FA, Sky and PGMOL.
If pissing and shitting into incontinance pads is contributing … 
Oh dear. I could ask worse in what/which way(s) but is that wise?
It’s because they haven’t a clue because they haven’t the experience these last 14 years.
By contrast the Tories are a wealth of experience and know exactly how to fuck the country over even more. Just need a couple more unelected PMs to get there.
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It’s incredible, isn’t it.
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Anyone who thinks that Starmer’s brand of Tory Lite politics is socialist obviously hasn’t been paying attention.
Nah, vote a vote for Labour is a vote for socialists.
For mitigation, its his saving that a degree of centrism is better than the extremities we’ve seen in the last 5 years.
Erm, wow, bold claim, but wow.
That’s going to cause a landslide alike 1997.
It better not be the defence budget that gets shaved.
Interesting. FT reporting that Ministry of Defence answered a parliamentary Question just last week saying there were no plans to re-introduce national service and that doing so would cause issues over resourcing and Morale…
So what you think Sunak is on with?
A scare to take away at the last minute?
Conscription is not necessary just yet. Assuming NATO act un unison. We could do with expanding reservists however.
Like @Mascot said above it’s most likely a sop to core voters he wants to win back. Its the sort of cultural war policy he has opted for since becoming PM.
Optics in my opinion are bad though in light of the PQ mentioned earlier. Feels like he has called a snap election without a firm idea as to his manifesto, or that if he does have¹, he has lost faith in it already.
The haste of it is very interesting. He simply is not a leader, very capable, but not inspiring at all. Which underside to conclude? Has he selfishly called it, thinking the polls can only get worse if he waited. Or do they know something we don’t. Like we will be at war by the autumn and then wont really be able to have an election. I think its that. I cant conceive of any PM being able to call an election without referring at least to the Cabinet (not drinks btw) - but equally, it could be panic like fck. Whichever they are truly unelectable.
I think retention is probably the first stop. The military need skilled long termers, not just some kid being shown around a rifle for 9 months.
There is talk of conscription being reintroduced in Germany as the recruitment is getting so low, but that doesn’t really solve the problem. The thinking is that if kids see what the Bundeswehr looks like they will want to sign up long term. However, it is better conditions and status that will do that.
For the UK, they need to be looking at wages, long term rewards and just basics like better accommodation and family support. Conscription will just deplete the pool of young workers further.
No problem; we can just replace them with cheap foreign labour.
Oh wait…