UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Not spite, no.

So what reason would the government have to increase the state pension by >43% so they could tax it?

So, and let me strap myself in for this, you think that the government is going to increase the state pension by over £3,600 just so they can take back 20% of everything over £12,570? That’s absolutely ridiculous.

I think that you thought that if the pension went over the tax threshold then the Government could tax it all, but you are too proud to admit it.

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I know how tax works thanks, so unbuckle your straps.

I think pensioners should get a good uplift, which may incur taxes, you hate old people.

We get it

Quoting myself here is never good but apparently its funny so I’m going with it. I like laughs.

Logically if I ask someone if they like coffee creams, the conclusion is I like coffee creams.

PS. Coffee creams are a very questionable addition to a box of chocolates. Personally i think they are there purely so they can reduce the number of caramel barrels they need to add.

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Erm…when did I say that?

I mean, I do. But I didn’t say it as part of this exchange.

(I don’t really. I just think a large proportion of them are guilty of screwing over everyone else. But it’s an odd, and slightly aggressive response to suggest that because I’m questioning your logic that evil Keir Starmer might raise the pension to over the tax threshold at massive expense so he can tax the minuscule part of it that falls over the threshold, that means I hate old people. Your responses did suggest that you thought that raising above the threshold would open the whole lot to tax. As always with you, I can only reply to what you write. Not what you think)

And the lies keep surfacing.
Fucking snake

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You’ve got me on that one if it is his account.

But they could also increase pensions in the October budget to compensate. Will have to see.

It could be a parody.
Im tired after 3 weeks nightshift

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I dont think it is a lie. They’re keeping the triple lock. A lot of pensioners wont be needing that heating allowance. Many will still get it. Better that the support goes to those who do need it.

The only question is really whether they are taking the right steps to ensure those that do need it will be getting it (particularly if the dont qualify for pension credit etc.).


Are these pensions those retirement fund that they themselves contribute during their working days? If yes, it must be a fixed pool of money with interests of course but can it be increased or decreased by the government?

The UK state pension is funded by National Insurance contributions from existing workers. In effect, it comes from general taxation but to qualify for it, pensioners must have paid into it for a minimum number of years, and the amount received is dependent on the number of years contributed, not the total amount.

There isn’t a fund as such which the money comes from.

Oh so its not like a straightforward fund where someone works, contributes a percentage of his salary every month and it earns interest from the government (because the government uses it to invest for returns) and you do it for the next 30 years until you retire and say you have a nest egg of 300K and you draw down from there?

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No, that’s how private pensions in the UK (usually) work.

The state pensions rely on there being a steady supply of workers who are paying into the system to fund the pension of those that have already retired. In theory this is fine but it assumes that the demographics remain roughly the same. At the moment, there is a generation of new pensioners born between around 1946 and 1960 (the baby boom generation) that outnumber the subsequent working generations. Additionally, life expectancy has increased so those pensioners are expected to live longer (although this has been curtailed over the last 15 years).

To counteract that, retirement ages for subsequent pensioners have been increased as well as contribution levels to the pensions from existing workers. Reducing benefits to pensioners is the third tranche of that, e.g. removing free TV licences and now restricting the winter fuel payment.

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She is the niece of Bangladesh :bangladesh: PM.


Said it many times, but been mocked for it.
They ALL fucking lie when trying to muster up support and votes.

Guido Fawkes (@GuidoFawkes) posted at 2:34 pm on Wed, Jul 31, 2024:
You’ve been played…

But they haven’t raised taxes… yet.

Politically, black hole or not I cant see how they can do it either. It would be suicide after all that they’ve said.

BUT financially they might have to. Nice Tory trap.

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mUsT dEfeNd lAboUr, tHeY’re nOt aS bAd aS tHe tOriEs

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Zero evidence for that yet is there? I find it weird that anyone can defend the previous government given their record on everything. And i do mean everything.

I did not vote Labour, i certainly didnt vote for the Farage Fascist Party or the fucking thieving tory party. They have trashed the uk, physically and economically. Of course this was a political trap. Fucking the country’s finances to such a state, hiding it, campaigning on a “Labour will hike taxes” message knowing full well its probably the only option is criminal imo. Jail the fucking lot of them.

I was critical and questioned removal of the winter fuel payment. As an engineer i’m not happy that the A303 is not progressing. That project has lingered on the books since 2001/2. I will also be unhappy with any lack of progress on the railways, water industry and health. Conversely I’m satisfied with the pay offer to NHS staff. So believe me, when they do something I dont like I will say so on here.

I have no issue calling them out but i wont do it for something they havent done yet, but will rightly call out the damage done by the tory thieves as that is weeded out as Tory supporters tried for 14 years.


I’m struggling to see where I’ve defended the previous government