UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Or simply use the Asquith tactic of threatening to flood the HOL with newly appointed yes men.

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Why not sell seats to some UAE/Saudi princes for a couple of billion? Works wonders in other areas.

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Today’s satire, tomorrow’s reality.

There’s a lot of heavy lifting there - would there be tests??? Are the majority likely to pass? Maybe there should also be a personality test?

Has to be something, can’t just have a free for all. Dave the smack head from Portsmouth who’s never left the town, never got a GCSE, never worked and steels a little for a living isn’t really the kind of person we want monitoring government.

I’ll save you all the effort of cracking the joke about drug taking chancers who aren’t qualified and steal for a living being our current government…….

We could have The Other Place sponsored too, how about The House of Mouse or the House of Fords?

To be fair I need to correct my previous post. There must be some kind of background check. You know, as there was with Boris’s mate Lebedev, the son of a Russian spy or head of Russian intelligence or something like that.

Still got in though

I reckon I’ve got a chance

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I remember in Starship Troopers, participation in democracy was one of the perks of citizenship, which you got for military service.

Everyone has people they think shouldn’t get the vote. For you it’s Dave the Smackhead. I’d argue that Dave has probably done less to damage to the country that your average 70 year old Mail reading boomer.

But it can’t work that way. Everyone gets to participate in democracy, including standing for election. Nobody excluded.

However, fortunately I can’t see Dave mounting any kind of credible campaign, so I think you’re fine.

I thought you agreed to leave boomers alone? A thieving drug addict does less harm than a retired person who can afford a daily paper? Do me a favour.

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People who fancy and rape kids, murderers, and rapists shouldn’t be excluded? OK then.

Still think that is a really under rated movie.

Robocop as well.

Over It Eye Roll GIF

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jeezus christ, really?

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Well if you think that the daily mail reader has likely voted Tory for the last 13 years at least, and likely to have voted to impose economic restrictions on the UK then maybe? Just a thought…

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in all seriousness, if you think that a 70yo boomer has done more damage to your country than a smackhead then your country is beyond fucked.

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Your meaning? Do you agree with the post I quoted that EVERYBODY should be included?

You have to try and understand what drove them to it.
Then counsel them and reintroduce them into society :roll_eyes:

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Would be funny if it wasn’t true.

Voting Tory and supporting harmful policies on the environment
Driving a polluting vehicle
Eating a lot of meat
General over consumption


Petty theft locally
Being an eyesore
Being a burden on services

Most drug addicts mostly harm themselves, but occasionally they might be involved in violent crime. This is probably why they seem more harmful to society as a whole, but the difference may not be that much if everything is weighed up.


You wouldn’t know True if she sat on your face! :rofl: