UK Politics Thread (Part 4)

Genuine question, but is there any other explanation? After all, he’s hardly the most useful of people…


I don’t know. He took over from the Duke of Kent as the trade ambassador. I’m wondering if they felt that putting him in public roles would keep him out of harms way (although that role appears to have had the opposite effect).

It’s not as if the Royal family have a problem with making prominent members persona non grata. I mean Edward VIII being a notable example.

The Aussie media used to refer to him as Randy Andy due to some untold stories they had about him from his time visiting Australia

Oh, they did that in Britain as well. Usually some story about him being seen with a model or actress who was associated as being somewhat raunchy.

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I remember 1 article in particular, started by referring to him as Prince Andrew, Duke of York, also known as Randy Andy, then spent the rest of the article calling him Randy Andy.

Was fucking hilarious at the time.


The British Royal Family - #452 by SBYM


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Send Andrew to the Tower?

I get the distinct impression he’d probably enjoy it there.

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God help us with this idiot as second in charge of the country.


Old news, but Brexit dividends indeed.



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Late life career change?

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I don’t meet the eligibility criteria

Is that basically minimum wage now? At least it isn’t unpaid interns which are basically designed to exclude working class people.


+/- 80% excluded


You read the headline and nothing more didn’t you?

You didn’t exactly give any comment on it, did you?

Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic only.

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