UK Politics Thread (Part 4)

No surprise that flip flop Starmer says or indicates one thing when trying to get into power, then does a complete U turn once in power.

Fucking snake

Iv tried to keep my response slimline as I know we end up going off on an a tangent and detracting from the thread.

Response to your post;

Maybe it was contradictory, to clarify. I believe in Local Councils having a larger control/say to best suit their area. My concerns are, that merging Councils (MINIMUM population of 500k) will actually dilute this control, currently a Local Council will have a budget, which they can control to a certain degree in their local constituencies, making it more centralised, could cause more problems and resentment. Tax payers want their money to be invested locally, not put in a pot.

Firstly, if you are going to suggest I have said something please quote me. I have never said the Tories have done well funding local Government. Also, please don’t use speculative statements to justify your point. Labour may well be able to budget for appropriate funding, but until they do so it is all but speculation.
Again funding local Governments means nothing if the funds are mismanaged.

You cannot compare the TFL, reporting to the London Mayor as part of the Greater London Authority to other areas. If you want to discuss further DM me but, you are using a highly densely populated area, with an infrastructure already in place, which oversees the whole system as a model for the rest of the country, you can’t run trains running every 5 mins for poor old Doris living in the sticks. To build train stations you actually need a track running to them and who is paying for these train stations? Who is staffing them? maintaining them?
Same with buses, make buses appear more often, more direct. These buses don’t build, drive or maintain themselves. People use cars out of convenience, because they are more direct and because they don’t want to listen to someone else’s phone call/music.

Have you checked the Demographics of these Authorities? Most are under the minimum 500k the Government cites, also check out their population density.
They are not really hot beds of Immigration, social benefits, crime, homelessness.

So Two wrongs make a right? What happened to “Change”?

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I submit the below quotation. You’re keen to bring in the idea of financial mismanagement, while ignoring the problem being widespread and not just limited to Birmingham. While many councils of all parties have been mismanaged, the truth is that local government budgets have been so squeezed that it doesn’t really matter. Well-run councils will also be facing issues.

Source: English Devolution White Paper - GOV.UK

This suggests at the very least that they are aware of funding issues. I don’t think it’s too far a leap of logic to presume that if they are aware of funding issues, and highlight the below on how central government is currently holding too much power relative to local government, then they would not channel more funding and therefore economic power that way.

And yet the vast majority of English people live in urban areas (82.9% in 2021, source: Trend Deck 2021: Urbanisation - GOV.UK) and this is growing faster than the rural population (6.2% vs 5.2% between 2011 and 2019, from same link above).

Who pays for roads? Maintaining them? Same answer. Why should taxpayers pay for a far more inefficient mode of transport? I suggest you educate yourself on transport planning before you make any further comment. All evidence goes to show that building infrastructure for a particular mode of transport incentivises use of that mode of transport.

Imagine complaining about building infrastructure that does precisely what you’re saying, making public transport more efficient, more available, and more viable for more people.

Talk about first world problems.

The point is that making these decisions on a more regional basis is beneficial to strategic planning. Not to mention, they are getting more powers compared to local councils. It remains to be seen how they can preserve the supposed accessibility that district councils currently have, but I suspect in the things that the local councils do currently handle, it wouldn’t be too different since it would be things like bin collection, street maintenance, etc. Except that with the economies of scale it might be more efficient and result in better strategic planning so as to avoid duplicating work.

I’m afraid you’ve lost me here. What’s your point about this?

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It would be very interesting to see what they can uncover about her involvement.

I think most people would find it quite hard to believe that she didn’t at least know about it, or suspect it.

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Spot on, as usual, from Aditya Chakrabortty.


This is a racist dog whistle, pure and simple. Cities, so the wisdom goes, are apparently full of brown people and are, to use the poster’s own words, ‘hot beds’ of all sorts of social ills.

The comment should be retracted, irrespective of whether or not its use was inadvertent.


To be fair (although I’m not saying this is the reason why it was raised in the first place, which is probably closer to what you’re talking about), cities have been cited as such for centuries, even before they become more multicultural. It used to be about “the poors” though.

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Indeed, the emergence of the mendicant orders in the later-Middle Ages directly came about to address the souls of those living in cities.

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Yeah but I’lm add I dont think they stood a chance anyway. Despite some mitigating circumstances they havent helped themselves though.

Starmer is doing a fine job of securing the title of “Most hated PM since Thatcher”

Stiff competition.

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How is it Racist? You moron.

@redalways said Labour were looking to move the Country inline with of Unitary Councils models. The councils he listed are all rural areas, sparsely populated. They have completely different demographics and different issues, unlike the complexity of Cities which have the issues I listed.

Look I know you like to act like a Tit, I just thought it was for show. I didn’t know you were actually a Tit.

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So, where in the snippet you quoted did I say the Tories had a good record at funding Councils?
We were discussing the Government announcement about giving more control to the Local councils, and highlighted Birminghams mismanagement. Irrelevant of budget, the money needs to be used wisely and systems put in place to stop bad/costly decisions from being made.
Don’t try and make it into something it isn’t.

Own it, Lynchy.

You said it.

Did any other UK news outlet cover this?

But I didn’t quote any because you know how other sources are frowned upon by media snobs, regardless of levels of truth

I said it, I own it. You are a Moron!

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