UK Politics Thread (Part 4)

It is a fascinating glimpse into the human psyche, imo, when cities/countries commit to spending billions to host major sporting events.

It rarely ends well, for the reasons outlined above, and at the end of the day, everyone just wants to be able to rub shoulders with the cool jocks in their letter sweaters.

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Are you suggesting that BCC knew covid was coming when they were selected to host the games?

Iā€™m not excusing them but when your athlete village is a year late because of a pandemic then its going to hurt.

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I love the idea of a society thatā€™s doing so well that it can afford to absolutely celebrate the peak of human achievement both fully able and fighting physical adversities. Watching the fastest, the highest, the furthest etc is a truely inspiring and energising experience. We all would like to emulate these people who can do the things we dream of. Weā€™re all football fans after all. But in these times of austerity, poverty, destitution and misery, the money thatā€™s spent could be directed in so many better ways. Of course one could argue that the motivation to strive for gold is worth the cost but cold hard accounts have to be paid and if thatā€™s at the expense of the majority, not so sure.

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