Who would you buy?

Lamptey and Saka

I’m pretty sure a fair few of them would fail our ‘no dickheads’ policy.


Every time someone suggests Klopp could motivate a troubled player, a voice in the back of my head points out that one of the secrets to Klopp’s motivational ability is that he very quickly gets rid of a player who doesn’t turn up and work hard every day in practice.



Edit: Klopp tends to give a lot of chances to senior players. I can’t think of anyone that has been bought and sold off quick. Ben Davies will probably be the first but that seems circumstances and ability not attitude.

Balotelli? Think that’s the epitome of troubled player he didn’t give a chance to… Sakho is probably another one.


Sakho maybe?

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In all fairness somebody not putting up with Balotelli who had already been put on the naughty step by the club doesn’t mean much.

Feel the reputation is purely based on Sakho, but it wasn’t like an instant cast off like seems to be thought. He was a starter for Klopp till that summer when he seemed to just take things too far. It wasn’t like Klopp came in, saw he was a dickhead and benched him. He tried to work with him and make something out of him.

I’m actually more laid back when it comes to the “footballer x is a dickhead” side of things. There will always be a few extremes like Barton, Balotelli and Diouf but the media like to sensationalise everything. Make everything over the top. We’ve signed a few under Klopp that had been or were starting to be portrayed as bit of a dickhead types in the media and they were all great with us and Klopp attitude wise. Sometimes it might not be the player thats the problem too it might be the situation they’re in.

I’m not actually taking a stance one way or another, I’m fairly relaxed about this. I was just supplying names I thought fit the bill.

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Shaqiri, VvD, Kabak although only on loan, Keita. Probably others.

Interesting. I’d guess you’re thinking of Maddison but who else?

When he joined Leicester he shagged his way through half the girls in the City. Him, Demari Gray and Chilwell were a little clique that loved to go out on the town but I think Chilwell was already settled down so less wild. Maddison recently had a kid so I think those days could well be behind him now.

I think you’re going to need to provide sources, as I don’t personally remember issues with any of those.


There is something about Leicester that I just don’t like. Something a bit Billy Big Bollocks about them. Maybe it’s the track record they have for shafting managers? Dunno. I just don’t think they’re a particularly nice set of lads.


I think it’s often the case that a manager, particularly when he’s been there a little while, shapes a squad in his own image. Ferguson - bloody minded bastards who hated not winning, Klopp - competitive, winning mentality, nice guys. Rodgers… 'nuff said.



A lot was made of the “downing tools” in his last half season at Southampton to the point some were saying they no longer wanted him;


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Bit harsh, its been rotten there for a while and Vardy is the epitome of an arsehole!

I don’t think picking up cards is being a dickhead really, and as for the Virgil ‘incident’, isn’t that more the manager at the time being a dickhead? Don’t see any suggestion Virgil did anything wrong.

Also, Charlie Adam calling out another player… lol.


TBF Pearson is a twat as well.


I’ve just used them as examples of when there was talk about those people, not taking just one article about each. I remember how people started regretting Keita before he arrived during his last season there and always being someone who wanted VvD I had a few arguments with those that had changed their minds and no longer wanted him thinking we’d had a lucky escape as rumours were going around over his attitude those last 6 months. My point isn’t that these guys are bad apples. Its that frequently the media paints people as bad apples, sometimes because its the story and it keeps making sales/getting attention. Very rarely are the people involved actually the dickheads made out to be.

It’ll be interesting to see what our activity level is like in the summer now that we signed our main guy last week.

Think personally we could do with a creative midfielder & adequate cover at RB.

Maybe someone like Mazraoui at Ajax who’s contract is up in June & maybe go back in for Neuhaus?