Who would you buy?

We’ll have problems signing any of the top players, if we don’t qualify for the Champions League. That’s the harsh reality.

Any player who doesn’t sign for us because (if) we aren’t in the Champions League next season, given our recent success in said competition, isn’t worth signing.


More concerned about where the money will come from…which player(s) we going to sell to put back into the club on new players?

You do realise that player sales aren’t our only source of income, right?

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For getting new players it has proven to be the case, yes.

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I have a genuine question, which I’m sure many other forum members would also like to ask: are you a fan of another club who just posts here to try to wind up Liverpool fans, or just stupid?


Suspense Anticipation GIF


So are these the type of questions you ask any fan who opposes the business or lack of we’ve carried out over the last 18 months?

You wouldn’t ask me this question in person because they’d be no one around you to laugh at your bad attempts to be funny, so shut up?

£150m is Klopps net spend since he came in.

It’s enough prove that we don’t entirely depend on sales.

But divided through the 7 years it’s really a small number. @The-AllMightyReds might be right too (for once :see_no_evil: )

Thing is, we have as good as none players to sell for bigger fees next summer. Nat is the only certain one. Maybe (I know not many will want to hear this) we will be open to a Curtis sale. But that’s it or are we open to sell Kostas already?


This. We look to balance our spending so the option is there to go big when the right opportunity is there.

Anyone who talks about net spend really has fuck all clue about football, sorry to say.

It has to be taken into context with the wages spent, which we are up there with the biggest clubs in football.

Where do you think Mo’s £400k a week wages came from?

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January transfer window is the last thing on my mind at the moment.

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In fairness most of what we spend on transfers is recouped through sales. But there is a bit more to the net spend when talking about players :thinking:

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I agree mate. The monarchy need our support at a time like this.

What’s the 2nd last?

This too. I’m not sure how many contracts are coming up for renewal over the next 12 months but we do have several due to expire that free up funds. These will be factors taken into account when making transfer decisions over periods of time much greater than one window.

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Not having had to trump up the money without sales so far does not mean we cannot, it just meant we didn’t have to and that should be seen as a strength in management rather than a weakness. I remember once Mourinho saying he wants 2 world class players in every position. Klopp doesn’t believe in that, at least he does not believe in casting a player aside and go out there and buy another one just because ala Chelsea. It does not mean he won’t, he went out to get Alisson as soon as he realized Karius was not working out after just one season.

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More like getting people back fit, getting our shit together, we also have a WC in between.

We have a disfunctional team of a squad of 27 senior players, let’s get that working again first and foremost.

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Wages do probably cover for over half our turnover, I know that but same applies for most big european clubs.

But fans need to understand if we keep going the way we’re going, we won’t be in a position to be competing for anything.

We’ll see what happens between now and start of next season and lets see how many fans who are giving out all this transparent pretense bullshit actually show their true colors.

That tube of yoghurt with a use by date 11th September. He needs to decide if he eats it today or leave it for tomorrow. :wink: