Who would you buy?

Overrated. We need another Gerrard type of midfielder - physical presence; strong on/off the ball; creative and not afraid to shoot from outside the area.

Wages are way too high.

There must be a few options in Portugal or France that are worth taking a look at. Sweeting posted some the other day. Quite a few players in their early to mid 20s who seem to be performing well.

That’s the profile we should be looking at if Bellingham is going to cost 150 million and De Jong is on 400k a week.


Has to be noted that the stats for guys from Portugal are a bit skewed because of limited data so its a very small sample size they use.

Even so thats a very impressive looking chart.


How about some guys from Ajax? Alvarez doesn’t look bad, to be honest.


I thought he was good in defense and getting out of tight spaces but was poor on the ball. I think for the £50mil price there are better options out there.

I go back to this post… He still must be bought! He’s only got better!


Would but Timber but not as a CB, to small but as a Nr 6

That’s what I thought watching him last night. He’s a rubbish centre back but could make a decent midfielder.


Name one. Other than Bellingham

He used to play in midfield but they turned him into a CB. He and his twin brother started out with Feyenoord but switch to Ajax when they were 13, his brother plays for Feyenoord again but is not as good as he is.

He will make an excellent midfielder for us but I’m afraid that he will be too expensive has a long contract and I hear Ajax is seeking £80m.

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Still cheaper than Bellingham. He definitely looked good when he ran with the ball last night


Ward needs to sweet talk his agent and find out if he has a buyout clause :wink:

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I saw some whispers around Guimares.

Is there anything in that?

Obviously if Newcastle have him locked down in a contract, he is going nowhere, and they can pay him a kings ransom.

But if he had an escape clause inserted when he first signed, for a pre agreed price, then it might be possible?

If there is any chance, yes please for me.

Thing with Frenkie is, he prefers the deepest role (in either structure), but Barca have used him more as one of the #8’s. I don’t think Klopp would have him there as the single pivot, more probably the role Thiago plays now. You cannot be not interested in at least having a thought about him, but I don’t think he’ll be a target for us. Could even end up staying at Barca now if he hasn’t moved last summer. Possibly replace Busquets at the base.

Thats what the rumours seem to imply that he has a release clause hence why Newcastle are pushing him to sign a new contract.

Yeah, I don’t think that happens now. He most probably signs an extension on improved terms or leaves to a top foreign club in one of the next windows. Could also depend on what Newcastle achieve this season, many scenarios are open it seems.

He’s not bad at the defending side also… With room for improvement!

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Alexis MacAllister - on a Bosman. Buy in Jan and ship out Oxlade and send back Melo


He signed a new contract a few days ago.

I’m afraid that none of the points you list above are valid from the players’ perspective, apart maybe Klopp. If we don’t make the CL, you can forget about him altogether, he won’t join for sure. As for Trent, he can see his good mate whenever he wants, no need to be in the same team. Being a Liverpool fan is very nice from him (he’s from the Birmingham area, isn’t he?), but it won’t determine the next place where he practices his trade. And Hendo? Is he also his best mate? :thinking:

In football, money rules, there are countless examples for that, mate. Romanticism may come into play for a top player who is already on board and decides to stay for various reasons (ie. Maldini, Gerrard, Totti), IF he gets the super-bumper wage. But it comes never to pass when having to chose your next club.

My take is that he’ll join Abu Dhabi or Chelsea. They are the most natural destinations for this kind of overpriced players. Meanwhile, I’d wager that we’ll quietly bring in one or two largely unknown midfielders and develop them into superstars, that is if it isn’t already done (Elliot and Carvalho).

Edit: aouch, I just realised that I’m coming really late to the party… :see_no_evil: