Who would you buy?

If I had to predict, I’d say that Origi will be sold (and I think Wolves will be his destination this time), AOC to be sold (Pearce once said that Wolves were interested in him last year, too), Keita to be given one more season (I’m an idiot for hoping that this new fitness coach will be able to fix him but I’m ready to kick myself again), Shaqiri and Minamino to head out on loan (the latter at Southampton).

Obviously, I’d like Origi, AOC and Shaqiri to be sold alongside Grujić and Wilson to help fund the moves for CB, CM and hopefully a forward, as well as new contracts for certain players but I accept it will be difficult. That said, I also wouldn’t be surprised to see Liverpool making a few more loan-to-buy moves themselves.

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On Wolves and their striker situation, they actually have a few on their books now. Don’t know what is Jimenez’s situation, is he okay to even return to football next season or when. But other than him, let’s not forget they spent a combining £60m on Cutrone (pretty much a flop so far, out on loan at Valencia) and young Silva (their record signing). Plus, now Willian Jose who is at Wolves on loan with an option to buy. I’m not sure if they will aim for another attacker. And Origi isn’t always playing up front and not impressing. It would be very lazy from Wolves in my opinion, with all their connections through Mendes. I think they’re a bit short (of both quality and numbers) in some other positions, mainly in defence and midfield. We’ll see what type of interest Origi generates, maybe there will be some other clubs.

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We and nearly all clubs always operate this way though. Our sales will also have been in such structures too. This isn’t unusual. Actually due to quite limited past spending we will have cleared or nearly cleared all past such payment structures and be one of the clubs out there with the least in terms of outgoing commitments.

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In principle, I agree that it’s better to get something for Origi, rather than hold out and get nothing, but I can’t help feeling that suggesting we can get £15m for him is fanciful.

I don’t think we’re getting a bean for any of our fringe players. I don’t think in this market anyone will be willing to cough up anything for them, bar Minamino - who is young, hasn’t had injuries, plenty of contract remaining and retains some reputation.

At this point in time, if someone is willing to give us five million for Origi, I’d bite their hand off. Grujic, Wilson and Woodburn for nominal fees. The rest I’d keep.

Regarding incomings, we need that extra defender, which is hopefully Kabak if things turn out well. And maybe a midfielder to cover Gini’s departure. However, aside from CB, I think the club might decide to just stick with the team as is. It’s that kind of summer.

Honestly, if we can tie down the lads coming to the last two years on their contracts, and keep this team together, then I’d be delighted with that.





Centre backs






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We’ve still got a very good team but it needs strengthening. Three positions which need filling are centre back, a midfielder plus another forward.

Kabak might be that player if not then we’ll need to look elsewhere. There’s obviously a few players the club has been looking at. Ideally a player who can cement the position beside van Dijk. Matip is a concern. Just too many injuries and cannot be relied upon. Gomez again a few injuries and his form last year wasn’t the best.

We have some good midfield options but could do with more quality once more with Wijnaldum all but gone.

We need another top quality forward. Firmino is good but doesn’t score enough and we need another option. The goal threat outside Mane and Salah somewhat disappears. While they’ll also both have AFCON next year. Mbappe would be ideal if not Haaland.

The club needs to at least sort two of those positions in the next window with one of them being a forward. There’s a good few players the club can sell to help generate some funds. Time for Edwards and FSG to deliver.

Klopp doesn’t seem like the type to sanction a big turnover in the squad, and the covid/FSG combo means we won’t spend unless we have to. Klopp will count on the return of the injured players to solve our issues for next year. So we’ll roll with the same team next year, probably without Gini and with Kabak/or another depending on how he does. We’ll buy if we sell, but that’s been true for a while. Nobody wants our fringe players. We could sell a big gun, but who can afford what it would cost to buy a Mane or Salah? The spanish teams are skint. PSG?
I’d expect to see a few small deals for youth players. May work, may not, if it doesn’t then Uh oh.

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I see Kessie’s contract is up to 2022, he will have a year left next summer.

Did someone watch him closely lately? Playing a box-to-box role at Milan, right?

On a rebound from that debacle against City… I don’t know who. But I would try in summer to bring in
*a class CB, ( not injury prone)
*a forward
*and a midfielder with goals in him

  • bring back Taki
  • promote one or two kids

Sell if possible Origi, Grujic, Ox, Shaq, Matip and Gini leaving on a free.

Last chance for Naby next season.


Would be interested in taking a look at Joey Veerman as a replacement for Gini. I like his creative abilities, passing ability and ability to shoot from range - coupled with solid defensive + ball retention skills. Very well-rounded midfielder.

Of course the jump from the Eredivisie is quite big (so hopefully cheap), but he is one that I have high hopes for.

Having Jota healthy and Elliott back will already add a fair bit… as will having a midfielder who is more proficient in attack like Veerman… and Henderson returned to midfield but we could use another attacker to really push Firmino.

Anyone seen that Silas Wam$%^#$^%% (who can spell these long names?) guy from Stuttgart? He seems to be killing it this season although I don’t know much about him except that the boy can really run.

Players like Origi, Shaqiri, Oxlade, Wilson, and Grujic can all be sold.


It’s only two letters longer than Henderson, which you were able to spell without any problems in your post.


That was just before he hit his head.

People still going on in here, ok we have had a CB problem which we haven’t solved yet but we have bought in players.
After that surely everyone can see that there’s just 2 more players to come in Mbappe and Camavinga.

Well that’s me done for 3 months.

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Jota in a full season and Harvey Elliot will be massive next season.
Mbappe or Haaland would create an interesting forward option, allowing us to see hiw really great Thiago is…

Small numver of expensive additions.
If the budget allows.

There’s our CB! :joy:

Quick info on Tielemans, since he was mentioned here. Might be more expensive than we think.

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I’d love Varane but isn’t he pretty injury prone?


He could replace Matip!


I think any recruitment we do this summer will largely be across specific types of available players;

  1. Free agents (and not the biggest stars unless they really believe in the sporting project here, other clubs will offer much higher wages).
  2. Loans with options to buy (like we already did with Kabak).
  3. Cheap deals trying to find diamonds in the rough from lesser fancied markets (like Davies this year and Grujic couple years ago).
  4. Players with a year left on their deal whose clubs don’t want to lose them for free (these may be lesser fancied names so ignored by the free spending clubs).
  5. Players whose reputation and standing has taken a knock but could POTENTIALLY be able to rediscover past form if they get to the right club/manager and could be seen as a bargain if it works out or at least a semi decent squad option otherwise (Shaqiri was one of these).
  6. Players at clubs in severe difficulty financially that aren’t big enough names to entice the free spending clubs.

I don’t think we will be bringing in any big name stars unless a free agent cares more about where he plays next than the money and unfortunately there’s little chance of that. The top stars will go to those clubs that have powerful backers not impacted by what’s going on.

I’m thinking about what we may need to do with the squad and my opinion is we need to start making 3 changes.

  1. Increase the numbers of home grown players, its not a problem now but may become one later down the line if we can’t bring in a top target because we’ve filled all our spots, Minamino already had to be sacrificed for Kabak/keeping a spot open for VvD in case he’s back in time.

  2. Freshen up the side, bring a bit of new emphasis. This happens with all new players but particularly by bringing in younger, energetic players. We could really do with bringing the squad age down as a consequence of this and building the foundation for future sides.

  3. Get more tactically flexible. Different options that can play in different ways that can create instant changes and variations to how we are set up with a substitution or slightly altered starting line up.

What I’d like to see is the players to be able to set up in 3412, 4231, 4222, 442 (diamond) as well as 433. I think we have the personnel for some of these but not all.

I think we need an older 3rd choice Keeper to be a voice of experience backing up Kelleher if Alisson is ever out for awhile. I think guys like Ruddy, Begovic and Hennesey would all see it as a step up from their current situations, they’re all free, could do that job and home grown.

CB I would hope the Kabak loan works out as it’ll be a huge boost to us getting top 4 and I’ll be happy to see him stay then. I’d quite like to see 2 CBs though this summer as I’m thinking 3 at the back could really suit us sometimes and VvD and Gomez may stutter for form and availability when they first come back. Botman, Caleta-Car and Carmo all offer interesting options at LCB for someone in with a shout of playing week in week out now and developing into a top starting CB for us for years to come. With Davies also a dark horse in that way as back up. Gomez and Kabak competing similarly for RCB. VvD can either play central in a 3 or RCB or LCB depending on who makes the best case to be his partner. Fabinho would still be an option too.

Fullbacks would be fine with Alexander-Arnold, Robertson, Tsimikas, Williams and Milner but if and when we go 3 at the back we could see them even more free to get involved in attack.

DM when we play one (deepest CM in 433 or 442 diamond) would be fine with Fabinho, Henderson and Thiago as options.

CM in most formations I think we’d have a central midfield two number 8s. Henderson and Thiago are obvious options. Milner probably an option and Fabinho if we aren’t fielding a DM or he’s not back at CB. Think if all three of Keita, Ox and Grujic move on we will need someone here but if one of those stays we will be OK. It could be a younger, up and coming, player if we do bring someone in and maybe home grown. Unless we can get someone from the academy, not sure they’re ready though. Think most likely it’ll be Keita there next year, when available.

AM I really want us to start pushing Jones. He’s got all he needs and if he’s a strong second choice here for a season or two he might then be ready to be a top star lead AM. He could also sometimes play deeper if needed. Ox, Shaqiri, Wilson, Minamino and Firmino are other options here. I think Firmino only works as a false 9 though, the deeper he plays the less effective. Shaqiri and Ox are injured too much and shouldn’t be default starters anyway I’d be looking to move both on if possible. Wilson I actually find intriguing as a back up options, especially if Jones still plays deeper a lot, he could be a useful “free” option (being club developed) if we do start playing with an actual attacking mid again. He could be a half decent squad player for couple of years. Minamino will hopefully have an awakening at Southampton and come back an awesome AM ready to be a starter for us. If not I think we need to recruit here. The name that keeps coming up as seemingly available but unfancied is Eriksen, could we take a player from an Italian side on a year or two loan with an option to buy then send him back? It’d be a turn up for the books. Isco could be available and he’s another whose star has fallen dramatically. Or Draxler or Calhanoglu both coming to the end of contracts. Or slightly different approach maybe Sabitzer? But think he’d be too expensive. Edit; oh and a dark horse that could fancy if Minamino doesn’t work out how about an alternative AM in Daichi Kamada at Frankfurt?

Front 2/3 I am thinking more and more that Firmino stands out as the most obvious sacrificial element of our team these days. It could even possibly be argued that it would be more than just a necessary evil but actually something that would benefit us. With Jota and Elliott backing up Salah and Mane in a versatile, mobile front two in some formations or Mane/Elliott playing deeper supporting Salah/Jota as one up top I think the only thing missing from our options would be a traditional CF. I think we’d only get to bring this player in if both Origi and Firmino moved on. Two options I’d consider would be Andre Silva at Frankfurt (2 years left on deal, maybe a loan with option to buy or reasonable deal depending how Frankfurt are financially) or Odsonne Edouard at Celtic entering his final year. Both could be diamonds in the rough and accept a “squad option that would get to play a lot if they perform” role I think.

So (sorry about long essay of a post) my choices would be;
GK Hennesey. Free.
CBs Botman and Kabak.
AM Minamino return or Eriksen (Wilson return as cover).
CF Edouard.

Squad list foreign players (max 17);
Alisson, VvD, Kabak, Botman, Robertson, Tsimikas, Fabinho, Thiago, Keita, Minamino/Eriksen, Salah, Mane, Jota, Edouard. 14.
Homegrown (4 protected slots in Europe);
Hennesey, Davies, Henderson, Milner.
Club developed (4 protected slots in Europe);
Gomez, Alexander-Arnold, Wilson.
Free under 21s (with the club for 2 seasons plus);
Kelleher, N Williams, Jones, Elliott.


He’s pretty average as well.

He had his moments where he was excellent but since his injuries started piling up he seems to have lost a lot of ability.

No. Just no.

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We’ve had some truly shocking 3rd choice keepers over the years. I think the most important thing is to make sure we’ve got an experienced veteran keeper, a level head for times when Alisson is out and we are relying on Kelleher. Doesn’t have to be him but don’t see the point in wasting a foreign squad place on such a player who may never play. Hennesey, Ruddy and Begovic are just veteran keepers that classify as home grown and are on ending contracts. I’d accept any of them really but I’m not very good at judging Keeper styles and strengths. Happy to take suggestions on an alternative.

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