Who would you buy?

A strawberry,that’s what shape Maddison’s head is,a shit fruit.

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Right. Jota has played how much on the left? Thought so. Apples/oranges.

And always will be even if they go on to have City style success. City still aren’t viewed as an elite club, just a very rich one with recent success. You need decade’s of history, massive world wide fan base and recent success to be among the elite clubs. We are teetering on the rim of that category now.


A fair bit. Granted, not a lot for the past two months.

That’s my point. He’s not played on the left for us at all. His position.

Would be a good point if it was true.

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Left or right,confuses me every time.

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He’s played LW twice in the league for us. Twice.


I understand you don’t watch or understand much football outside LFC. But you do know that is Jota’s natural position. And go back to all the match threads where we discuss how less effective he is on the right.

But please continue being you. You get so confrontational when someone doesn’t align their views with you. It’s really productive.


And twice in the cups and twice in the CL.

Maybe “at all” means something different in German :man_shrugging:


So I take back the ‘at all’ statement. He’s played less there than anywhere else, his natural position.

And again, back to Barnes the original point, zero chance he comes here to sit behind Mane and play 10 minutes every so often. Not happening.

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What’s the story with Harvey is he good enough to contribute next season or will he be loaned out to a Prem team next year? Or a top Championship side?

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Probably depends on the pandemic, can’t see things getting back to normal so there will be very little spending except for shitty and the chavs. We are losing a couple of players so he may be kept here to make up squad numbers.


Does anyone really think we will be able to spend more than we did last summer?


No I can’t see it.


I think he was already good enough to contribute this season and would probably have worked his way ahead of Shaqiri and/or Origi by now. So definitely after the playing time he’s had there.


Depends on how much we sell. If one of the front 3 move on definitely, Firmino looks like his future isn’t as secure as it was. But we actually spent a fair amount last summer. Just the way it was spread out was a bit more than usual (it nearly is always spread out anyway which not many take account of). One good thing is most of the payments on the likes of Alisson, VvD, Keita and Fabinho etc. will probably be finished by now if not all.

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  • Even if we would be open to sell Bobby (we’re not) - there is no market for him.

  • on ‘fair amount’ we’ve spent £70m. Yes that’s not little. But we were only able to buy Thiago and Jota because Wolves and Bayern were open to that payment structure. I’d say because of the pandemic fewer clubs will be open to such deals.

  • we were able to spent that money even though we had no fans since March. Now we had not fans for a whole season. That clearly won’t increase our kitty.

  • we failed to sell players like Shaqiri, Grujic, Wilson and Origi. Don’t think any of them was able to increase their value and once again possible buyers have problems because of Rona.


I think the bigger issue would be the presence of Jota who is likely the long-term successor to Mané on the left. I don’t think we need to read too much into where Jota has made his appearances so far in a very strange season. Incidentally, Jota was getting well more than “10 minutes every so often”.

Leicester having another solid season doesn’t change anything about the club being a step down from Liverpool in terms of prestige and “pull”. Leaving aside Jota, I think Barnes would undoubtedly jump at the opportunity to play for Liverpool. Mané won’t be here forever. I don’t think that Barnes and his advisors would only look one or two seasons ahead and choose to stay at Leicester and compete for, well, nothing in particular just because of the guaranteed playing time. He has plenty of time to establish himself as an England player for the next major tournament even if he moves to Liverpool, he doesn’t “need” to be playing every week at this stage of his career.

I think it’s unlikely to happen for the reason stated above, but he can come here to get paid more and work with world class players and staff in world class facilities at one of the world’s most storied football clubs. The only way he would turn that down is if a similar stature of club can offer him all that plus more playing time (and probably money). But he wouldn’t turn it down just to stay at Leicester.


btw, TM says Jota has played 416’ as LF, 343’ as RF, 182’ as CF.

Edit 2:

I also wanted to bring in an excerpt from the Twitter thread that you posted:

This was mentioned in the context of our payments to agents, and I believe the implication is that Liverpool make sure people get paid to send their guys to Anfield.

  1. I don’t agree with you. I think this team is nearing the stage where an evolution is necessary and that would make Firmino the most likely sacrifice. The one it’ll hurt the least to move on. I think any player that shows a desire to move on to a club willing to meet our valuation Klopp won’t stand in their way and that includes Firmino. He has been here a long time for a player in the modern age. How do you know there’s no market for him? The money for the real superstars may not be there. Guys like Firmino on the next level down may well be the star purchases this summer. I think we would get over £50m easily even in this market. Could see PSG being interested actually and with their history of top Brazilian players playing there over the years it could interest Bobby and help him become established as a true mainstay, one of the first in the team sheet (if he isn’t already and keep him there if he is) for Brazil in partnership with Neymar.

  2. We’ve always structured payments on nearly all of our purchases. Most clubs do. The Thiago and Jota deals really aren’t as far out there as you are making out. Maybe down payments were a little lower and payments spread over maybe a year longer than the norm but not outlandish. If it weren’t for corona nobody would have even thought to discuss the payment structure.

  3. We actually declared big pre-tax profits the year before and huge ones the year before that with amortisation of players likely to have become less and more prize and sponsorship money. We don’t know last year’s accounts yet its even possible we still ran at a profit with the decrease in TV money delayed to be spread over future payments. This year its looking like pretty much the whole £100m from match day revenue is boost but we’ve declared profits of over that figure in the past, costs will be lower than for a while (except wage bill) and we can’t predict the figures from Nike although it’s looking promising. We can’t possibly know how good or bad the accounts look but it’s certainly within the realms of possibility that we haven’t spent what we could of for 2 or 3 of the last 3 years and if the vaccine rollout has been completed the forecast for football to return to normal for next year is good. There was a feeling last summer that the reluctance to spend was more about the uncertain future than the current financial accounts. Cash flow is more the issue than running at a profit or loss.

Edit don’t know why this point didn’t show;

  1. We didn’t sell those players because we have been creating a reputation as a side that won’t sell low and be taken to the cleaners. We sell high. We had interest in players but not at our valuation. If we have to sell for whatever we can get I think we can still get reasonable fees looking at business completed just nowhere near what we asked for in the past. We can get away with that this year by blaming Rona then going back to normal business the following year.
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I saw you replied to me had to take you off ignore to reply. Regarding Jota’s minutes. He’s played 2 full matches at LW in the league. 180 minutes.

He played against Lincoln City (33) and Arsenal (76) at LW in the League Cup.

Did not play at all in the FA Cup.

In CL he played twice at LW. 30 minutes v Ajax and 87 in the match he was hurt.

The rest of your commentary is a matter of perspective. I don’t agree with much of what you wrote it but it’s your perspective. If I’m Barnes or his agent I would see very little reason outside of money, to make a summer move to Liverpool. If the main goal for the player and agent is money only, regardless of playing time, I don’t even know if Liverpool could be competitive in that department this summer, based on the evidence provided.

And regarding the agents fees, you’re referencing one specific year, we had £10 million in total transfers but spent £30.3 on agents fees? How do you explain that? And I’m asking genuinely. No one has been able to.

You’re looking at it in a vacuum to shape a perspective that we “get people paid”. What you cited, that was for one year. You honestly think that setup is sustainable year after year? Something is amiss.

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