As my mothercard bios is NOT UEFI compatable I’m leaving well alone. As described above I had to find work arounds for Windows 10 and had problems well after the OS had been lauched. As for older PC I don’t think that matters Gen 7 (like my sons i5 laptop should work fine as it has UEFI compatible mothercard (it’s just marketing to try and get you to buy a new computer) there might be composants in it that are no longer supported by the manufacturer then you might have some searching to do to find the best solution (see my gripes above about sound cards (microsoft generic was real shit).
I might try it on my daughters laptop (that’s an i5 Gen 3) however the marketing over buying a new computer was sickening for win 10. Why upgrade when you already have a computer that works much faster than you can keep up with anyway (I mean how fast do you need to type to put pressure on the computer.
). However Win 10 works very well on it now, why change if it’s not broken.
Even so I’ll wait till the verdicts (honest ones hopefully) come out.
In time I will upgrade, I have a job now and will be able to afford one. My son has been looking into purchasing a gamer and if I upgrade I’ll do the same I think. The problem has been finding the graphics card, it really isn’t the time for upgrading. So everything is looking at waiting imo.
I stay away from Bill Gates his stuff as far as possible.
I’ve found a workaround through a registry entry to allow PC’s to utilize the automatic updates. I’ll be sticking with Win7 until the bitter end. currently working on a laptop that the elderly owner had updated to Win10 (machine was made in 2012) and it’s not booting properly/at all. she thought the “had to update”.
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I found a Win 7 auto update workaround. Just a matter of manually installing 2 updates from microsoft.
There seems to be some pretty good IT guys on here. Can anyone tell me how to remove Edge from my W10PC… Since the last upgrade I cannot get rid of Microsoft pop ups and Bing seems to have made itself my choice of Browser and PC keeps logging me out of site I use all the time, like TAN and
I have tried many things from different help websites but nothing seems to help.
I just made chrome my default browser. Have you tried changing the default?
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Teacher “ It just upgraded itself to Windows 11 and now all this software doesn’t work”
Me “After 25 years in this job I know I have no option but to smile and bill the boss for the hours to fix it”
DON’T remove Edge!!! Just remove it’s default settings. You pull MS’s way of getting itself do do everything and the system gets seriously cranky. Just discovered that a month long photocopier fault is down to Edge opening pdf files and fucking up the printing.
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