Anne - ITV drama

Been ill so watched the whole series of Anne today, the four parter on Hillsborough campaigner Anne Williams. I was blown away by it and pretty much in tears every episode. Thought the tone was spot on. One of the best tributes you could ask for.

Has anyone else caught it yet?


Apologies if this should be TV thread by the way mods, but I was hoping this deserved its own one given the relevance.


I watched it and thought it was brilliant. It was emotionally tough to watch; especially the ending. Yet it was inspirational, what a formidable woman she was.


Sure, I think that’s ok


Yes it was tough to watch but also un-missable.
As was The Real Anne that was on tonight.


Just watched the first episode, that first 20 minutes was brutal.

Anne Williams, the real Iron Lady.

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Wife and I have watched 3 parts of 4 thus far. Been really well made. I good watch for those that don’t know kuch about Hillsborough and the justice campaigns, particularly non-LFC fans.

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I have the four episodes recorded and was waiting to hear some feedback before committing to watching. Think I’ll give them a spin so.

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My god, only watched the first episode and I’m already in bits

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I watched all episodes. It was very poignant, emotional and heart breaking all the way. Marine Peake does the role of Anne Williams perfectly. She deserves a BAFTA.
What struck me was, the huge hurdles the The Hillsborough group and Anne Williams had to go through legally for years just to get a hearing in court.
Most people would have given up the fight after a few years. Also, the survivors of the tragedy are still haunted to this day. It felt so sad that Anne and her husband cope together because their tragedy which was also so sad.
A massive respect to Andy Burnham for making sure the Hillsborough Justice group were heard at a Government Cabinet meeting.
Anne Williams is such a determined and inspirational lady and you come out of the last episode with a broken heart, but with the hope and belief that your heart will slowly mend and to never give up the fight.

We owe the remarkable Anne Williams so much.


I watched all 5 episodes and blubbed on each one I hope this helps this tragedy is never repeated again


The Hillsborough group have joined forces with Grenfell United to help them and make sure they do not wait decades for justice.
I hope the Hillsborough Law will happen, it will future incidents.