The Arsenal Thread

Good song, though.


Mesut owns piers.


Have arguably one of the best strikers in the league. 9 goals in 9 matches. Can’t wait for the next article about how Arteta is a promising young manager doing all the right things.


Well, he has to spend that £350k a week on something.


Imagine having so much money that you could buy piers.
Even footballers have better taste than to do it though.

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I don’t know; I’d like to have one at a really popular resort and just have bouncers telling all the tourists to fuck off when they try to come onto it.

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That Man Utd game seems a long time ago…4 weeks right? And two of them were covered by an international break.


And to think Wenger had Arsenal at/near the top of the table - did they finish 2 or 3rd? - that season.


Just listened to Arsène Wenger on Desert Island Discs. I have always believed him to be a thoroughly decent bloke. He did things the right way.


I haven’t listened to it but you’re absolutely right. A gentleman in nearly all respects - the only thing that tarnishes him for me is how petulant he could be when he lost. But that’s hardly uncommon with those driven to succeed. He played the game the right way.

Arsenal have suffered similarly to United in that despite having plenty of time to do so, they failed to put in place the necessary arrangements to transition from an era dominated by one man. At least Wenger’s had the good grace to leave sufficient space for his successors to operate, even though he, like Ferguson, could have done much more to ensure that greater infrastructure was in place to help them succeed.

Unlike with Ferguson, however, I don’t get the sense that it was intentional.


I think both men deserve blame, but I also think it is a story of the challenges ownership groups face when they bought an already successful club. The big caveat is there are legit questions over whether either group actually cares about winning if they can profitable while being mediocre. But let’s assume they want to win, what they are faced with is a reality that none of the things that gave them their clubs their status were created on their watch. It’s the difference between landing a plane vs just sitting in the pilot’s seat for a while after the pilot already got it to cruising altitude.


Will say this for Wenger, I doubt he would leave a callous remark about someone unrelated like Ferguson did with Jordan Henderson.


Wenger for all his success was still a disingenuous and an annoyingly mardy arsed tit.


Guardian Podcast this weekend had, for the first time that I’ve heard, doubted if Arteta is quite as good as they initially thought he was.

From what I have seen I would say Arsenal should give him time. He’s done OK given his level of experience but I always said that they idea he could walk in, be a great manager and turn the club around single-handedly was fanciful. He had proven absolutely nothing by being Guardiola’s right hand man but was spoken about as the hottest managerial prospect in world football.

Truth is, Arsenal just don’t know what they’ve got with him yet but he has shown enough to justify another 18 months.


What Arsenal got with Arteta…
Was the weirdest looking eyebrows ever, to grace the premier league.!


Kind of knew that as soon as Aubameyang signs that new contract he won’t be able to deliver the way he did in the last few years.


Are you forgetting Carlo ‘The People’s Eyebrow’ Ancelotti…
Or does he not qualify because he only has one weird eyebrow and not two??!!


Ironic is that they moved him even closer to the opposition’s goal. He played basically Salah’s inside wide striker role in their 3 at the back formation, but now he’s up top and he can’t get a sniff.

Sometimes there are reasons why slightly overrated players by fans (Auba is easy to sell to masses) never really ended up at the best sides.