Would be interesting to see them under Arteta for a complete season. They seemed to have improved a bit, but it’s a long way to go for them. Top 4 would be difficult considering how Chelsea is strengthening, although the annual ‘We did better than Spurs’ and FA Cup could be on the cards. They are in similar boat as Chelsea last season, feel top 4 should be realistic target for them.
Will their amazing fans be patient though? We don’t know blud!
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More than 350k a week that means?
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There are very clear signs of progress there, but it still feels like Arteta has a big job figuring out which of his players he likes and can trust. The biggest thing that can go right for him this season is for one or both of his new CBs to hit the ground running so some of those decisions take care of themselves. If that happens, they might be able to challenge Utd for 4th, but I still think that is a big ask. Especially at a club as toxic as Arsenal have become.
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Heard rumours that it’s 400k pw.
In the position Arsenal are in, that’s absolutely mental. Sets a very difficult precedent for future renewals and contract discussions.
Not even a CL club.
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The rumoured deal defies logic or sanity. PEA is 31 and will probably begin to decline from next season. So they will basically be paying his pension.
Didn’t they make same mistakes with Ozil and Sanchez?
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Since they are playing Europa League, maybe they are putting all of their eggs into Champions League basket, trying to make the most out of uncertainty surrounding football today and sneaking into top four? I doubt Aubameyang’s career will suddenly nosedive, they know what they are getting by making him stay, more than that, they actually know what they’d be losing otherwise.
I think they won’t finish lower than fifth but it’s an uphill run for Arteta to get them into top four at the first time of asking. They would need to be pretty consistent to achieve that and would very likely have to rely on one of top four to tail off badly, which is something I don’t see happening. I definitely think Arteta knows what he’s doing and that he’ll turn their fortunes around in time, though.
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Giving a 31 year old a 3 year contract on 300k a week or something does not suggest a club suddenly making sensible decisions.
They’ve got a lot of work do, and this move could make things quite a bit harder.
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Ceballos acting the knobhead there, no need for that at all. Petulant fanny.
I actually think Arsenal are dark horses for 4th, but only if 70-75 points gets you there. They look really well organised under Arteta and I can’t see them losing too many games. If they keep it up they’re in for their best league season in years.
Not taking anything away from Arteta, but played possibly the weakest team. Let’s see how they perform in few more games.
But yeah, they aren’t far away from their fourth place trophy.
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Big deal of an incident. 
Knowing football these days, this will create headlines and articles in next days.
Ceballos is a proper snide shithouse though to be fair. You don’t expect him to be snide on his own players.
Aubameyang signs a contract extension 3 years reported up to 250,000 pounds a week with further performance bumpers and bonuses.
I got to say the video is a pretty cool touch for a contract extension haha
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Three years is a good deal. They learned something from Sanchez and Ozil. 
Transfermarkt are saying 4-year deal, interesting.
Best of all was Sky Sports saying “the best striker in the Premier League”.

One team that benefit from no fans
Was that Cellabos rammed right into the back of Mane was it.
Yeah was a yellow mate.