Blud, it's the Arsenal shithouse FC thread, fam

Are there rich deposits in his ass?

@El_Dorado, comment?

Wrong El Dorado dude.

And why would I have a map of a human? I’m not some sick freak

Who are you calling a sick freak ?

No-one. Everyone. Someone.

My wife thinks I know no-one, but as a dear friend of someone I’m taking massive offence.

Everyone thinks I’m a bit of a dick, though, so fuck 'em.

Alright, punching out…

These fuckers could very conceivably be top of the table at the end of next week’s fixtures.

They play their game in hand tomorrow against Shef Utd and will likely go to 61 points. If they then beat Brentford next weekend and we end with a draw against city we’ll both on 64, but they’ll stay ahead of (stay as they play on Saturday and will get to 64 before we do) us on GD.

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Only really matters who is top when all 38 games are finished.


Like all reds, I want us to win all our games and win the league. If we draw with Man City next week and Arsenal manage to leapfrog us, even if its only goal difference, I think we will still go back ahead of them. Arsenal have Chelsea and Man City coming up in the league and I expect them to drop points there.

If we stay ahead of Man City, having played them, I will take it. Obviously I would prefer to beat them.


Wouldn’t it be so Arsenal to lose this?

Well, and also this.

We all want Arsenal to be crap and we all want them to lose, but the fact is that they are a very good team and it’s a three horse race for the title.
They might slip up in these games, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

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Interestingly, their run in is possible the hardest.

There are lots of opportunities to drop points there and you can see the narrative forming now that once they wrestling back a lead in the league with these next two wins and then drop points in that run in it will be viewed as choking from not being able to handle the pressure of top spot rather than just because their run in is filled with difficult fixtures.

@Quicksand how’s yer spreadsheet looking for Arsenal?


86 points.

I had City and Liverpool on 88.

City are minus 2 so far after Chelsea draw.

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Limie beat me to it, but I was about to post that they have a tough run in. Statistically we have the most favourable, followed by City, then Arsenal.

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Think we should wait until we play City and Arsenal vs City on matchday 30 (march 31st) and then we can have a look at the run in.

One of the three teams might be more or less out of the title race by then.


I don’t get this mentality, it’s how many points you get over the 38-game season, not what order in which you get them. I get the idea that mentally speaking for the team, building a winning run can be (and often is) beneficial, but apart from that, does it matter when the points are lost?

I think the point is that city face a very real prospect of losing back to back games against direct competition leaving them 7 points back with only 9 (?*) games left to play.

In a 2 horse race, there is a small possibility of them being able to claw that back. The chance of both Arsenal and Liverpool giving that back to them in such a short space of time is much smaller.

*is there a game still left ot be scheduled? At 27 games played, after Arsenal City should have 9 games left but I see only 8 games listed on their schedule. Same as us. I assume its the game that made way for the FA cup QF in 2 weeks?


Yeah yet to be scheduled.