Blud, it's the Arsenal thread, fam

I’m amazed at people’s inability to laugh things off.


Not surprising but Ligue Un top scorer Folarin Balogun, on loan to Reims from Arsenal, has committed his international future to USA. Hes played a tonne for England U21s but was not looking likely to break through.

I think his form in France is a purple patch but he will be clear as the best USA forward for some time.

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A good friend of mine here in the States is a big Arsenal fan. I really wanted them to win it, for his sake, and also because City’s victory is a sham.

If anything good is to come from Man City steam-rollering all before them, it will be a sharpened focus and strengthened resolve on the part of the authorities to hold them to account for their cheating.

Related to that, if anything good is to come from it, it will hopefully be more of the wider footballing public calling them out for what they are.

By eck we agree on something else, I love the banter with my mates regarding our support for our teams.

I don’t hate fans of other teams and as Mascot said there are some reprehensible chanting that I despise, but don’t forget, our fans aren’t saints and have done the same in regard to the Munich disaster, in the past.

I have enjoyed watching Arsenal the same as Brighton as at least they play the right style of footy. I really wanted for them to pip City as I hate that we are almost becoming like the French League, with just one team that cleans up most seasons.

I’ve seen the word hate used periodically when referring to supporters of other clubs.
Not sure I’d call it hatred, but I have varying levels of dislike for certain fan bases.
Utd, City and Chelsea top my list.

I remember being on the Kop when “The Truth” mosaic was displayed, the Arsenal supporters behaved impeccably…until later in the game when the “you’ll never get a job” and “feed the Scousers” songs started.
It’s beyond tiresome laughing that shit off and it’s sung at varying frequencies by most clubs supporters these days

I have the same levels of sympathy for Arsenal as they probably had for us when we lost out by one point on the final day of the season, twice!

Losing 2 goal leads against Liverpool and West Ham, then scraping a draw against Southampton at the business end of the season has contributed hugely to them now being 4 points behind City and could reasonably be described as blowing it, buckling, collapsing, bottling it.

Let them “laugh off” the piss taking.


Hate, at least in a legal sense, refers to disliking people for who they are rather than what they do. I know some people that say they “hate” United fans, for example. What they usually mean is that they strongly dislike the minority that sing disgusting things about Hillsborough, poverty etc. The problem is that at a match you can only hear those knobheads and not those standing there in silence thinking, “not this shit again…”

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Before this season I would’ve said it’s about time they moved him on, now I’m not so sure. Funny how football pans out sometimes.

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Yeah, there are certainly a few places in Arsenal’s XI where improvements are possible. Xhaka’s is one of them, regardless of him being obviously a regular starter in a quality season for them.

Not only that of course, they could continue growing as a team, because they’re the 2nd youngest side in the league.

The word “if” is doing some heavy lifting for me.

We will see if anything good comes from Man City’s dominance, by foul means. If it doesn’t strengthen the resolve of the Prem to hold them to account, a new contest is required, one that is fairer and more sporting.

The clubs should band together and do it.

Leave Man City to play Newcastle and PSG each week in their own thing, with few fans or fanfare.

And the game, the beautiful game, could right itself and give itself a future by taking a stand against financial doping.

But I understand the cynicism. It might be too much to ask for.

Vimes’ Razor, always look for the money.

Choosing between Leicester or Everton going down is like choosing which supermodel is going to suck you off.

But Leicester have been pricks for years, with their tragedy chanting and victims shit. Fuck them. Glad to see the back of them.

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PSG tipped football on its head when they paid £190m for Neymar…
That then was the dividing line between the haves, and have not’s, of clubs across Europe…
The PL table is getting a definite marker between the clubs with money, and those less so…
The CL is becoming exactly the same…
Raising the expected transfer fees right across the board for what in a lot of cases, is bang average players… But what can you…
Oil money has opened Pandora’s Box… No way can it ever be reversed now

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They can both be supermodels, it’d still be an easy decision to make because they’ll still be a supermodel who’s clear.

Wolves Bournemouth Leeds Southampton they’ve all been at it…these clubs all follow each other in their despise of Liverpool they’ll do or say whatever’s necessary that they can get away with, the only clubs who haven’t tbf are Everton and Forest because their entire fan base have a deep understanding of the events.

Everton first/next to go, then it’s a flip of a coin. Everton are like little pesty mosquitos that surround you at night on holiday when you’re trying to get a nice nights kip, keep waking you up in the middle of the night leaving bite marks all over you.

Deluded wanker.

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Isn’t it great when high profile personalities make an absolute twat of themselves?

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People understand this on some level, but I think the magnitude of it really goes under appreciated.

Neymar’s clause was inserted into his contract at a level purposefully chosen to be a joke. It was an unobtainable number, like when your kid tells you the biggest number he can think of is a magibajilion. It was over twice what the then world record fee was and was not not supposed to be triggerable.

PSG did it not because they wanted the player, but because they were salty at Barca trying to unsettle one of their players, even after they’d told them to back off. Their response was Sean Connery in the Untouchables - “they pull a knife you pull a gun. They put one of yours in the hospital you put one of theirs in the morgue.” They wanted to demonstrate that the balance of power had changed and so to had the rules. They sent a message to the footballing world and everyone put their fingers in their ears. Maybe content to laugh at Barca getting some of their own medicine rather seeing the bigger picture. That was the time we needed a more serious look at how to limit the destabilizing effect of external money and instead the powers that be allowed Qatar to just integrate themselves deeper and deeper into the heart of the game.


The f*ck is that?

A new contract announcement, but in an ambience like someone died.

Needless drama. :man_facepalming:t2:


That is embarrassing. But maybe Im just being harsh at my button being pushed by hearing him say “myself” instead of “me”

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