Breaking News Thread

Fair play, the chaos that she created was tenfold any big bang /black hole could have created …

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Incompetence is becoming a pretty charitable word for them at this point. What a clownfest

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Yeah but imagine you build the LHC because you fancy a particle accelerator and it makes cool booms. But you decide to run it off the equivalent of a 13A extension lead because you find out the cable has a factor of safety of 2 on it and it’s cheaper. You then just fire it up to see what happens.

Or maybe, you’d design it, ask a whole load of “what if” questions, build it with safety systems, test the shit out of it, run it slowly to start with, do a shit load more testing as well as doing some actual theoretical physics to build a hypothesis of what would happen and what you’re looking for in the experiment.

I guess my point is you’ve got something that’s really pushing boundaries. Given the power and stuff going on inside I’m guessing it’s got some real potential to create a crater on the Swiss border so it’s understanding every nook and cranny of that rather than the “it’ll be fine” approach.


And you sure as hell can’t ask them … :innocent:

At 3:12 where they are talking about remapping the PS3 controller, and they don’t remember the mappings.
Shocked Vince Mcmahon GIF

Southpaw mapping lads!

Sorry yes, they knew the risks and should be allowed to take them.

If (IF) he told them it was fully certified and insured then that’s a different matter. But saying “Hell, it’s made of lego but has worked every time so far but it is experimental” is fine in my book.

As somebody who’s built a hell of a lot of experimental equipment from scratch which has gone on to become industry standard, I find your view to have a severe lack of imagination. The only thing I’m ignorant of is some people’s need to do a year’s paperwork before picking up a screwdriver.

You don’t like SpaceX, I rest my case.

Which isn’t applicable to a glorified deep diving bean can.

Nobody is suggesting building a nuclear reactor from scratch with a bag of capacitors, buttons and relays and Dave the builder throwing some shit foundations in.

Well, I remember it was suggested that it could be a problem if the laws of physics worked in an entirely different way from how it was generally understood.

The problem with this submarine is that the laws of physics have behaved exactly as expected.


Makes me wonder whether the guy was looking for potential investors, and that is why the billionaire type were on the thing - seeing for themselves sort of scenario

First person in history to do that for sure. Have a look on AV rigging disasters on FB for a perfect example of doing shit on the cheap without following all suitable procedures and safety protocols.

About that epic “lunch at the top of the Empire State Building” photograph.

I wasn’t criticizing the SAR itself or implying it was “wasted.” I was referring to how information was given to the public. The Coast Guard released the news about “banging sounds,” which they likely knew were of little consequence, but did not release the information about the likely implosion data. What’s unfortunate about this day and age is that the media and even our own officials see no requirement to be completely honest with the public. That is unfortunate IMO. This is just another example of it.


I think that is really a matter of protocol - per my comment further up, the Canadian Coast Guard was similarly fairly sure that the submersible had imploded and there would be no rescue scenario.

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They were definitely playing fast and loose with certifications - some of their promotional material mentions DNV, and you would need to take a critical eye to it to realize the references are to component-level certification, not the submersible itself. I would imagine DNV’s legal department are having a busy week with the risk management department, and possibly preparing legal action themselves.

He’s probably broken the 11th commandment. Business probably will fold now, he gets blamed for everything and that’s that.

But I stand by people being allowed to risk their lives if they choose and understand the risks.

There’s no way it does anything but collapse now. It was already under pressure to deliver on prepaid trips, and it has lost the major asset. Even leaving aside the inevitable liability claims, it is likely insolvent in a matter of days. Apparently their website is gone already.

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The local Florida couple I mentioned earlier paid over 200k each for their tickets on the supposed 2018 expedition. I think the reality is they are just selling to a very limited market

This only makes sense if non-experts have a reasonable capacity to understand and quantify risks. And they don’t. Not in any field. Which [can of worms opening] is largely why the Covid pandemic was such a shit show.


The amount of publicity these five or six people who got into a vessel without checking whether it was safe got, compared to the hundreds who die every year trying to cross the Mediterranean, is bizarre.

Not really. As you say, hundreds are dying crossing the Med, some kind of incident seems to happen every few weeks. It is the European equivalent of American school shootings. There is seldom anything exceptional about any one of them. Nothing as interest-grabbing as a dodgy submersible filled with billionaires, that doesn’t happen every day.


If the dodgy submersible had been filled with poor African migrants it would have been a footnote to the news bulletins.