They do, and the reason I suppose might be the previous aid Georgia got from the West, but that’s just a guess. I suspect it might be different in other regions in Georgia regarding language on police gear. To me it makes sense that its previous US aid, but I am guessing and making assumptions. But its an iconic photo from the Georgian popular uprising and I have sadly seen it used by a lot of Americans (Code Pink and much more) for other reasons.
An anecdote, but yesterday, I saw something amazing on twitter though. An american communist used it and sold t-shirts with the photo with political slogans with money going to his organisation and protests. But he got a lot of flak for stealing it from Georgians facing down autocracy , and amazingly he apologiced, took it down and offered to send all the money he had got from it to the Georgian Legion. Now, i dont know if he is really going to send those money but the fact that he took it down and apologiced alone was admirably respectful and showed integrity not very common on the internet. It almost gave me a warm fuzzy feeling seeing the verbal exchanges and how respectful he turned out to be.
Abkhazia and south Ossetia (on phone and think south is occupied while north is in RU federation proper but could be other way around and I cant google, but geography tends to makes sense so it should be south, but my memory is not photograpic and perfect)
2008 war was about Georgia trying to take the RU satelite provinces back, and then Medvedev invaded in response and etc.
I hate to be cynical, but this will be crushed. There’s no appetite in the West to support another uprising against Putinism.
I hope I’m wrong, but we’ve seen it happen before.
Breaking News:
A currently serving soldier and mental gnome so stupid that he should have failed even the meagre tests they may or may not have to enlist in the US armed forces, normally stationed in South Korea, traveled to Russia of his own free will and has now been arrested for theft.
He was detained on the 2nd of May, but Russia just today decided that they wanted the rest of the world to know their coup (because hostages are a coup).
Personal addendum: What serving soldier in a NATO country not invited into Russia, travels there in the current climate ? He is a serving soldier, stationed in South Korea. What kind of imbeciles even does such things ? It makes the MAGA people collective Einstein’s in comparison. Traveling there as a serving soldier is probably even illegal in some sort of Russian law if they want it to be (I am sure they will be able to find a clause, and FSB is probably able to “prove” that he was there on a mission if Kreml wants that). I mean, at least he didn’t travel in uniform, but why not wait until you are a civilian. My God, what a character this man must be…
He’ll be lucky to only get 6-8 months in Russian prison for theft. He may get significantly more.
Reading that story, it is China hacks a company that the MOD outsourced data to. This is a reoccurring theme for UK government.
They then make some comment about them targeting MOD staff (include soldiers, presumably) who they think may be open to financial incentives to pass on information because they are so poorly paid. This is also a reoccurring theme of UK government.
I thought it might be a honey trap.

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Seeing as how dumb the cunt seems to be. It’s more likely to be an AI bot.
Just to make it even more interesting, I read that he is also married in the US.
The risks he has taken for Russian honey is just very fascinating ! 
Vladimir the Cruel, inaugurated, and the the Mad Pope has some advice for how he can live for 80 more years.
This is going to get really bad and sad isn’t it @Magnus ?