Breaking News Thread

Thanks. I was wondering why the dog was still holding on to the person even as he was fleeing. I’m guessing because they wanted to arrest him?

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It wasnt holding onto him though.

It was holding onto some clothing wrapped around his fat arse

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Yeah that’s what I meant. Watching it, I was wondering if the officer had lost control of the dog, or if it was intended to restrain him.

Liverpool, outside the Quillian Mosque, West Derby, right now. God bless the Nans, she is a legend!

There was a reported stabbing outside Crosby station. There are also reported incidents in Bristol and Sunderland as well.


Sunderland is out of control. They set fire to a police station. There is looting of shops going on :frowning_face:


TBH I was just relieved it wasn’t my octogenarian mother twatting some halfwit over the head with her zimmer frame.


Seeing those Balaclava clad men was scary. I seen on the telly in films, usually bank robbers wearing them or during the reports on Northern Ireland.

More worrying news. :pleading_face:


Now this! This is like the reaction we got when 9/11 and 7/7 happened. I remember the Imam [Priest] told the hijabi ladies to take off their headscarves for safety reasons.


Rwanda. 2% Muslim.
The far right. 100% ignorant.


I take it the gammon media is clamoring for the looters to be strung up because they don’t respect law and order etc??



This lot have also contributed to emboldened the racists to go on the rampage.


I think these extraordinary stupid, and we have to call them what they are, Race Riots (never thought I would use that term for contemporary riots in England tbh, but shows how bad it is unfortunately); can only be explained with Socioeconomic and Sociopolitical grievances.
Racism and random hate like that doesn’t just pop up out of the blue, there are always underlaying issues (these are so called Working Class riots filled with racists and legions of hangers on that are just dim and/or angry and or/out for excitement, which may be led on by propagandists from the elite, but that is besides the point), it’s clear that the socioeconomic and sociopolitical woes are perhaps even greater than I had realised. If you add then immigration issues, many of whom are maybe real or at least some what based on reality, that is always an extraordinary explosive combination.

But the level of thuggery, torching police stations and such, that is a surprise to me, but this has obviously been a simmering pack of dynamite, that much is clear.

Very sad. I don’t have good answers for how to deal with this quickly. Long term it can only be dealt with by raising the standards of living, including education of those who are angry and feel left behind/drowning. Seems like the social weave of the people is very fractured. And no one should want to be like America, the very horror example of how wrong it can go.


Improving education for the masses would be contrary to the neoliberal agenda which has dominated politics for the last 45-odd years.


They are. But how do you stop that segment of the population that identifies themselves as “patriots” and in reality are far right thugs, from growing ?
Personally more interested in that than in feeling good personally by condemning them left and right (which one should also do of course, but that alone isn’t a solution and doesn’t help in itself). It’s going to be tricky getting these people out of the Far Right bubble, but it’s very, very important to do so. And by the videos I have seen, these are kids, youths and lots of really, really angry adults from the Working Class that feel betrayed by the state and society. It’s not a small issue. Tory Rule has been hard economically, we know, but these riots are maybe the best show case for that.

The irony, of course, is that those who loudly purport to be on their side - populists like Trump, Farage, etc - are actually more interested in preserving the status quo.


Too true. Their power comes from these grievances. Without such socioeconomic and sociopolitical issues, and clefts between segments of the population; they would be powerless since their entire power comes from stirring the anger in the black pot, and preferably stir it into hateful explosive anger so they themselves can rocket to power.


Stop agreeing with each other, it’s Internet for crying out loud.


Lets not somehow get fooled into thinking these “race riots” are only a recent thing.
I remember the “Rock against Racism” gigs, spearheaded by The Clash and other 70’s punk bands highlighting these issues


Time to wheel out the inner @cynicaloldgit and say that humans are disasters.