Bundesliga / German NT

Well, the US is a growing market for football audience :wink:


I cannot understand at all why such a racist survey was carried out by ARD and published so shortly before the European Championships. They should be ashamed of themselves and fire the person responsible for it immediately.


Totally agree. It’s disgraceful. I don’t know why it would even enter anyone’s head.


So he’s given up talking about amortisation?


Good response from Kimmich and Nagelsmann, but how sad that a public broadcaster can get away with asking such a question.


I’ve been trying to find the actual questionnaire but the programme was meant to be more about attitudes to race and diversity and the fact that most people are actually quite accepting of all Germans, regardless of race. The programme is here if anyone is interested:

Edit: The bit with the survey in is around the 37 minute mark. They also asked what the political affiliation was and 47% of those said AfD (far-right populist). It’s actually more depressing that half the people who answered that can’t just be dismissed as racist dickheads.

The only bit I would complain about is that they didn’t push back on Jörn König, the AfD sports spokesman, who seemed to be trotting out the tired old line about ethnic minorities getting some sort of free ride due to diversity quotas (which is completely untrue). Essentially, he was just weasel wording the old Nazi master-race ideology.

However I did think they made a fair point about how Özil was treated, because there were definitely people questioning his allegiances when they were perfectly happy when he was knocking in goals for Der Mannschaft.


Absolutely shocking indeed. At least one head has to roll for this.

Having watched the documentary, I think it is acceptable in context.

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Nagelsmann is too nice to give the sorta reply this warrants.

Kloppo would ensure the proper reply is given

I see 60% of the surveyed Bundesliga players voted for Xabi as best coach of the year. What were the other 40% thinking!!

Haven’t watched the documentary yet, but the guy who did the documentary (Philipp Awounou) is on telly right now talking about it. Makes total sense to me. And his head definitely shouldn’t roll for this.

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Did not see the survey but I guess

  • Sebastian Hoeneß finished 2nd with Stuttgart in the league. Took over at the end of last season and saved them from relegation. They also played some beautiful football.

  • Frank Schmidt has been at Heidenheim for 16 years and took them from 5th tier to European Football next season with by far the smallest budget in the league.


vs Greece tonight. That’s basically Nagelsmanns starring eleven for the tournament.

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So Alonso stayed as he thought he could keep his team together.

Centre half Jonathan Tahs fucking off to Bayern.

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Nagelsmann basically confirmed that this will be his Starting11.

Don’t think Füllkrüg will start the first two games.

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How long before Wirtz is poached as well by Bayern.

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Think he’ll stay at Leverkusen for another year and might be too expensive for Bayern if he can keep his form.