Bundesliga / German NT

Interesting to see how Nuri does, assuming he gets the job.



During the season Terzic was close to being sacked. Then the higher hierarchy forced him to take Sahin as his assistant coach. Think the plan was always for Sahin to take over in the summer but then they miraculously reached the CL final which made it difficult to sack Terzic. So I guess they used the media to create some ‘problems’ which led to Terzic ‚stepping down’.

I don’t like Dortmund. Don’t like Terzic or Sahin - so I couldn’t care less.



Do you like any German club?


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Apologies to non German speakers, but this is a good read. Amazing that the DFB was still run by ex-Nazis back then.


A surprising number of officials were. Essentially, anyone who wanted to get on under that regime had to have NSDAP membership. The Americans referred to “fellow travellers” (Mitläufer) for those that went along with the crowd for their own convenience. (Even Kiesinger was in that category).

It wasn’t even just in the West. My mother-in-law said that when she went to work in Berlin in the 1950s, the official that sorted her papers was exactly the same individual who had had her uncle (a trade unionist) arrested in the 1930s.


Yes, what RedWhippet says.
I guess the article is written for young people, which is perfectly fine - I mean what the article describes is essentially a microscopic (and well known) version of the general societal and generational conflicts in the 60s/70s and even later. And who is likely to get ahead in institutions like a Football Association, generally speaking not progressive noncomformists.
Even more so if you include people that were ‘sozialisiert’ under Nazi regime, you could say that about almost everyone from certain generation(s). I mean, given that these institutions were largely run by more or less old men, quite a few of them in 1974 were also ‘sozialisiert’, at least partially, under the Kaiser.

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In the context of this discussion, some of you may be interested in the Ronay piece:


Might have mentioned this before, but I’m a big admirer of the ‘Stolpersteine’ project.

In cities like Cologne, particular in certain inner city areas, you come across them everywhere. I find it extremely powerful, makes it very tangible that a victim of the Holocaust (also includes victims like Sinti/Roma, homosexuals, disabled, oppositionals etc) used to live right there.


I’ve seen the Stolpersteine in our town and it can really be shocking. There is a collection of around 5 in one place and they all have the same date of death and location: Auschwitz.

We are 1000km away from there, so they literally shipped an entire family across the country just to murder them.

I’ve also seen the Sinti memorial at Osnabrück cathedral. There are a frightening number of names.



Leverkusen would rather let him go for free next season than strengthen a rival now.


Not true. They don’t want to sell him for much less than their asking price.

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CB/LB Hiroki Ito to Bayern (release clause)

CB Waldemar Anton to Dortmund

CF Serhou Guirassy to Dortmund (release clause)

And people ask me why I hate Dortmund.

Doesn’t stop there because LB Maximilian Mittelstädt and LW Chris Führich are also high in demand.

I’m afraid just like Union Berlin last season Stuttgart will start the season with CL football and find themselves in a relegation battle.

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Which is double of what Bayern has offered.

Can’t believe that this is real tbh


Yeah the first ones I saw were in Saachausen on the walk to the camp. Brought it home a lot.

Most of my Berlin visit was shrouded in those last 100 years. Not everyone’s idea of a holiday but for me it was worth every penny.


I hate internationals :weary:

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