Climate Catastrophe

Yeah, slimy farting bastards. When the next massive space rock calls a calling, dolphins, polar bears and the lesser spotted pine warbler will do nothing about it. I call that lazy.

There is a strong likelihood that humankind will have wiped itself off the earth (along with the dolphins, whales and other intelligent species) far before one of these rocks comes calling.


One of us is right on this subject. Itā€™s like heaven, weā€™ll never know.

wtf am I doing in here? :cry:

Fabinho, dolphins, space rocksā€¦ just another thread on TAN :joy:

This ones really depressing unless itā€™s about Fabinho!

You mean :whale: :whale2:!!!

Happy to be grouped with dolphins and intelligent species. Thanks :+1:

Of courseā€¦ :see_no_evil: I donā€™t know where that h went, but Iā€™ve found it back since! :+1:

As if humans will actually do anything constructive either.

Most likely we will just nuke other countries hoping to take advantage of the complete cluster fuck that follows

Polyhouses are readily available now. Not for you specifically but makes sense for people who donā€™t want the expense a greenhouse takes up.

Another thing in my bucket list

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My greenhouse cost me $400. Took me 8mo to find it, about an hour away someone was demolishing a house and it was in the back yard. I paid $100 for the greenhouse, took me 2 days to disassemble and move it. $300 in replacement glass for the panes I broke taking it apart.

I should add, according to the company that makes it, they havenā€™t made this kind of aluminum frame in over 30 years. They have no replacement parts so I had to be very careful not to bend any of the pieces while disassembling it into about 30 pieces. The frame itself is about 130lbs. With the glass installed itā€™s over 700lbs. Is 11ftx7ft inside



Really nice, now keep it looking pristine like that! :grin:

Iā€™d give my dog a week to completely undo all of that good work.

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Please explain. How can 17C be hottest on the earth!

global temperature average.

See also


Gutted with the FL reefs story, and likely bleaching. It will kill off a lot of spectacular wildlife, and on a selfish note, thereā€™s a few spots we visited down there to go out into the ocean and look at it. Sharks, all manner of fish and sea life.

Itā€™s an amazing world, and we are ruining it.

I saw more and more Just Stop Oil protest including one at a wedding of a George Osborne? I went to google him and he is not currently an office holder, is he in any way seen a problem for climate policies etc? And with such protests from bigger scale ones to as petty as this, a single protester who throws orange confetti at the groom at his wedding, is this really helping to advance the cause?