Climate Catastrophe

Not sure any of us will get to the real truth in this and a lot of other matters…

Cause of crab deaths off North East coast ‘may never be known’ - BBC News

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Very unusual to see a City Council admit they were wrong… Took an enquiry to force them to do it though

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the resort in Mexico we usually vacation at is in the hurricane belt south of Cancun. The beach we used to spend our time at wiped away 18months ago.

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above, is related to this:

as indicated by this


for those who fish, know that organic materials in still waters will rob oxygen. I suspect the effluent which has been dumped into the river with the stormwater would be a big cause of this problem, along with whatever chemicals went with it. look at the pollution caused by the dam explosion in Ukraine as an example of this.

due to last years sudden deep freeze in the high-altitude lakes early last fall/winter here, there have been a large number of winter-kill lakes here. Fortunately the one I’m fishing on Friday seems to have survived. But world-class fly fishing lakes like Roche are almost completely wiped out.

100% natural occurance in this case, however the trout that are dying off are actually an introduced species in many locations!

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Do you know how plastic bags are basically indestructible? Well I found this in amongst the boxes in the cellar:

nothing like a little SPF60 at the beach

We’re using hydrogen to power our big machines and it’s a revelation, says JCB boss LORD BAMFORD (

Second green offshore wind vessel ordered by Orsted to operate out of Grimsby (

People never learn…

Intelligent species? My arse.

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In any case, the most destructive species to have walked on this earth ever. The biospere will be lucky if it can survive us. It’s literally a race between our own extinction, and the complete extinction of complex life on the whole planet.


However, ‘good’ news for once:

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Classic example Todd Hoffman and his merry band of equally hapless buffoons.
Yet Discovery made multiple series about them.

Why does that nation persist in making TV shows which enable the rest of the world to laugh at their deep rooted stupidity?

What will happen first…the end of the world through climate meltdown or we get a decent defensive midfielder ?

Fabs was decent when he could move, I blame the physical conditionning coaches, all or players started last season looking slower than an Alladyce double decker!

There’s a Radio 4 game on ISIHGAC called one song to the tune of another. There’s then a joke about one song to the tune of the same song. Gold Rush is 8 seasons of “person breaks loader, loader has puncture, digger gets stuck, digger gets moved, man with beard swears at kids, pump breaks, water freezes (no shit), we all have a clear out and Parker wins. Same episode on hard repeat with slightly different characters each week. Gave up when I realised. Did used to love it.

Ever known a dolphin to post on here?

You asked that on porpoise didn’t you?:thinking:

Just fishing (mammaling) as ever.