Climate Catastrophe

Donā€™t know any vegans personally, but looking around the supermarket shelves and freezers, you see so many options which are made to taste like meat.
Iā€™m guessing vegans like the flavour of meat, just donā€™t agree with the killing bit?

Speaking from experience, yes with regards to flavour, but also convenience and menu creation / choice. Many in the UK are pretty hard wired into a meal comprising of some protein (meat) with veg of some description. When you convert itā€™s damn hard to move away from that, and itā€™s even harder to create a quick and simple menu of foods that can replace what meat brings to a dish. Shopping for a full vegan menu can also be expensive as hell. Piling your shopping bag full of stuff that adds flavour and sits in your cupboard untill the next time. It gets out of hand pretty quick.

Then thereā€™s the English breakfast, BBQ and so on.

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My missus stopped eating meat about 4 years ago, triggered by a documentary she saw regarding how chickens are treated.
Her diet now is atrocious and sheā€™s constantly tired.

Thatā€™s a really easy route to go. I was going that way myself until I looked at myself and tried to make some better decisions. It meant pulling back from being vegan a bit but I feel they are better choices.

Going vegan is tough, it takes time, massive amounts of effort and Iā€™d lie if I said it was cheap. Those processed fake meats do make it cheaper and easier.

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Years ago there used to be a shop in Liverpool called ā€œThe Happy Nut Houseā€ that sold all sorts of vegetarian food including some meat alternatives. The thing is that these were not intended to be lookalike or taste-a-like things. It was just a substitute. They also tasted pretty good as their own thing and they were cheap.

I think cost is king. When there are cheap and simple alternatives people will go for them.


I quite like some vegetarian dishes although I still eat meat, just not as often. Going full vegan is another matter and I canā€™t ever see me doing that. I tried vegan sausages a few weeks ago and it will probably be the last time. A strange texture and quite dry, just not very nice.

made burgers out of a mix of moose, beef and pork belly a few weeks ago for a barbeque. they were delicious. ground moose meat adds an interesting flavor.

Richmonds do a decent version as do Co-Op own brand Gro but I wouldnā€™t like to ask how good they were for you.

Iā€™ve made burgers with all sorts all sorts mashed together and theyā€™ve been ok. Time issue again though.

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Mad Looney Tunes GIF by MOODMAN

I saw a YouTube clip of this interview where in the first minute the interviewee stated that Canada had been stuck with higher than normal temps, a weird high pressure thingy that wouldnā€™t budge followed by high winds in the wrong direction.

Nothing to do with climate change

I think all sorts of diets have their merits and their fans. Personally having sold commodities like meats and understanding the processes and being in the food industry, I am generally in favour of having as many food options as possible because this gives humans more options, because the reality is that there are people in the world who cannot afford what we think are basic foods. What I really cannot stand is when some groups of these people who enjoy their vegan diets try to position themselves as the saviours of the world and for us who continue eating meat that we are the bad people, that we are bastards who are destroying the world. I think that has to stop, not the types of diets we choose.

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It does sound like you meet many vegans yet you can come out with this and pick on vegans who ask a neighbour if they could close a window whilst they cook (without knowing how or what they cook).

Have you heard what some meat eating people say when they meet vegetarians, I mean some is written of here quite blatantly fror a few. You seem to fall into this group of ignorance.

Lack of tolerance is a worry however it comes from both sides and one side has the power and it isnā€™t the vegans.

This thread is depressing enough without picking on individual lifestyles imo!

I think I did not pick on anyoneā€™s choice of lifestyle. In fact, I said the more options of food styles or diet, the better for humans. What I pick on is that as I mentioned, some groups of vegans I meet that always try to educate us that they are better than us in saving the world and that we should be ashamed of myself for continuing to eat meat.

Very relevant for Bangladesh :bangladesh:


Iā€™m not sure if this belongs here or not but there have been thousand of dead fish washing up on the Mersey. A friend from Warrington sent me some pictures there and it looks far worse than this:

ā€œThe Environment Agency confirmed they are looking into what has happened, but believe it is due to the hot weather and 'low atmospheric pressure as a result of thunder storms, causing low dissolved oxygen levels.ā€

If it is weather related then the question would be how often these events are likely to happen. Clearly the river has been over-stressed.

Something similar happened in the US / Mexico recently too I think.

Marine heatwaves are only going to get worse.

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How dare our cod move to the eu

This wonā€™t be helping mattersā€¦

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I think there was some suggestion that might have happened in the Mersey around Warrington.

Iā€™m just thinking - was the cause of the crustacean die-off on the Yorkshire coast determined?