Climate Catastrophe

its really hard to say this without it sounding careless and disrespectful…i dont mean this in an uncouth way, but…

surely a cheaper way to escavate is to mine it with machines…even at break even or slightly less productivity, it avaoids scenes like those and any excess money could be put into localised public infrastructure (wells, roads, schools etc etc)

to me thats a bit of a no brainer fix for even the most greediest corporates in the world…

im sure there is a reason, can anyone explain?

without going to the baseline of ’ becuase it costs extra money’…

again i mean this in the most respectful way, but i often question the validity of those scenes…not to the point where i dont believe they require scrutiny, but to the point where i cant believe something doesnt get done about it.

Unfortunately in this world “some” human life is cheap.
As I said earlier, we all contribute to this mess with our portable devices etc, but the mass drive (pardon the pun) for electric cars has clearly escalated this problem.

Parts of the River Trent this morning… Clothing Dye has been dumped ‘accidently’ :0(


That’s about the rub of it right there.

Not even about profits over people, just protecting existing business over exploring new profits.

Whoever thinks capitalism drives innovation ought to rethink again.

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I wonder if they pay taxes, the oil industry doesn’t!

This is not some backwater, but a state with the nation’s fifth largest city in a still rapidly growing region. People are dying to move to a completely inhospitable place, that incidentally sold a lot of its water rights to a Saudi company who use it to grow alfalfa (an absurdly water intensive crop) that they can ship back to Saudi to feed their livestock.

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I didnt really get Chinatown when I first saw it as a kid, but looking at all the really bad water deals that have been made for the communities in the west and the implications of that Im sure it would hit differently today

I have a great idea. let’s build a city in the middle of the desert!

I did this drive in 2007 to fly fish, and even in april it was dry and hot during the day. the Navajo desert and reservation were arid and inhospitable.

Been to Phoenix many times, it’s hot as Hades and dry as a popcorn fart. It’s really not surprising that being in the same micro-climate to a place called “Death Valley” would be warm

Yeah, I absolutely hate it and do not understand the attraction of moving to that part of the country at all. But it IS a very populous region and still growing and so as it increasingly goes from being really unpleasant to unlivable the societal impact is going to be really big.

How long before « local billionaires » / politicians promise to put sunshades up… ?

what global warming? What? the US is trying to move the world’s largest semiconductor operation out of Taiwan to Nevada? Awkward…

I lived in AZ for a couple of years, in the greater Phoenix area. Great golf courses. Ball flies a mile in the heat, with no humidity. Winter months were fantastic, but most of the year it is ridiculously hot. I don’t understand people walking outside barefoot in that place.

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There’s a reason it’s called Death Valley.

It’s because Americans love irony and it’s in fact a really lovely place


Not necessarily climate change, but an extreme weather event caused by destabilized systems

Looks cold!
Some big hail storms in SW France as well, some massive balls of ice fell from the skys.
Very late in the year for such occurances however not completely unknown.

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