Climate Catastrophe

I used to have a car like that

It’s not a good situation. My uncles house I was vacationing at 6 weeks ago has been evacuated and may not be there when he gets home. He stayed as long as he could and left in his boat.


Much as pictures of cute seal pups more or less killed off (no pun intended) the fur industry years ago, the plight of the penguin chicks should be used to demonstrate just how much damage global warming is causing.

Probably wouldn’t change people’s behaviour, sadly.


they tried that with the polar bears. didn’t work.

the visual of a solitary polar bear swimming across Hudson’s Bay when it should be walking on polar ice, it’s quite a scene

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The problem is that the vast majority of people only react if they see an immediate threat. The people who cause the most environmental damage live thousands of miles from the most affected areas; polar bears, penguins and ice sheets simply don’t register with them. :confused:


Not sure it’ll show up but LNER are offering free travel to people affected by the air traffic issues in the UK.

Hopefully that will show quite a few that taking a plane within much of the UK is completely daft.

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Well worth a read for anyone with any interest in climate breakdown.


That ‘tiny window’ is shrinking fast.

I have been reading/listening a good bit recently about an idea called system justification and think it explains a LOT of the issues we have of collectively dealing with challenges like this. It explains why so many people are inclined to go to such lengths to accept the status quo.

With something like Climate Change there is a very powerful lobby ready to jump and attack any idea towards progress and no matter how bad the argument they make is there will be a large constituency of the public, people who will benefit from change being proposed, who will reflexively vehemently oppose it.


yet all of those electric vehicles are sure to solve the world’s climate woes…

shake my fuckin head.

You see system justification theory in action in football analysis, too. The mental gymnastics some “pundits” go through to justify the status quo beggars belief.

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Antarctica buggered. Sea Ice levels are far lower than any previous measures. Given that the summer spring equinox is next Saturday this could be a cause for concern.

Until people cut out greenhouse gas emissions, things will continue to get worse.

Basically, due to politicians’ inaction and individuals’ indifference, the planet’s fucked.


I didn’t realise they were so far ahead with this sort of technology. It’s been on my mind for a while that with automated driving, car’s (on the motorway at least) are becoming more and more like train carriages. I think we will eventually see car’s linking up to have shared proportion on motorways, where vehicles with shared portion of the routes will will link up to save energy and then separate off when they need to go their own way. The motorways will effectively become a rail network.


That’s basically abandoning the quick wins that would be of benefit to people. As far as the cars goes, that’s just aligning to EU rules. I wonder how he’s going to sell that one?