Climate Catastrophe


Good idea, but not new.

One of the oldest Chinese myths concerns exactly the same solution to flooding:


The low on Saturday here was -20 C. The high on Tuesday is now predicted to be +14C, also for Wednesday. Thursday low is forecast as -12C. We will be seeing 25 degree fluctuations twice inside 5 days. The disequilibrium could not be more obvious


Just over 48 hours difference.


I cant get my head around how that’s possible

Best theory is that the weakening/inconsistent Gulf Stream is allowing another cycle to emerge more frequently. The -27C was part of a short Polar Vortex, and the current air mass has come from much further south than we usually see as a sort of equalizing reaction. With a stable Gulf Stream, our weather generally comes from the west, but we now see many more intervals where it is from North or Southwest. So we are seeing more intense variations, including nasty cold snaps, but much warmer/shorter winters on average.


There’s a warm mistral blowing in the Rhône valley at the moment. Quite nice in comparison to usual however also very disturbing/perturbing particularly this time of year.

Fascinating. From my UK perspective, we’ve become warmer and significantly wetter with a very noticeable increase in the number of Atlantic storm systems coming through.

And the Canadian geese have moved back in, starting about a week ago I’d say. Maybe a little earlier. Trying to remember if that’s earlier than last year.

They must’ve got bored with all the talk of infrastructure over there.

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I guess they’ve come over to have a look at our crumbling stuff?

Have a gander, you mean.


Weird weather here as well. It should be around 30C, and it was since middle of February. But last couple of days the temperature has dropped 4-5C from the average.

This is the current hourly forecast, with a flash freeze warning in place. Anticipating a 28 degree swing in 15 hours. But we will back up to nearly 10C on the weekend. The two weather systems dueling.

Screenshot 2024-02-28 073527

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What Northern Europe is expected to see is essentially a steady increase in year round ambient, but a gradual disappearance of the Gulf Stream effect. Right now, the Gulf Stream is the dominant system in determining the overall climate of the UK. As it fades, winters will see colder extremes, more violent storms - but annual average temperatures will be higher.

That is the theory anyway, but there is massive uncertainty in these models - in particular, what exactly makes the Polar Vortex come down more frequently in North America than in Northern Europe is really not well understood.

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Meanwhile, I can’t think of anything so utterly stupid, morally bankrupt and idiotic as this

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20:00 - Flurries
21:00 - Flurries
22:00 - Flurries

So is the weather going to Macca’s tonight?

that story is a bit OTT… if a timber company had a license to cut it then that forest was not protected. it’s probably secondary or tertiary growth by now.

the only true old forests in BC are simply inaccessible to logging companies and/or have been protected by the government… but those forests exist where people do not, simply put. There are some rare examples like Cathedral Grove on Vancouver Island, that has a highway running right through it.

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Understood but here we have a company that has agreed to take a carbon sink source, transport it half way across the globe, process it, burn it and then receive money for the electricity they make and receive a green subsidy for doing so.

It may be legitimate but it stinks

don’t get me wrong here, and reading back I sure did write it that way

it’s fucking stupid to transport trees halfway around the world to burn them for electricity. that’s not renewable energy, with the volumes of lumber they’re eating through with raw timber just to burn it

fucking ridiculous, they should be taking the mill ends for that purpose. offcuts, etc. not whole fucking trees.


Sorry, not having a go, and certainly didn’t mean my post to be a little aggressive. I just see this as another example of our government pumping public money into a private entity. Profit over everything else. It’s daylight robbery and it really frustrates me.

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