Climate Catastrophe

are we sure that this article wasn’t posted on Apr 1?

some major tidbits of things they can do to slow down global warming

#1 - Stop raping and pillaging the planet for profit

Bryan Cranston Mic Drop GIF

Not my neighborhood

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Definitely not your car! :wink:

definitely not.

The headline is pretty crazy as it somewhat suggests that we DON’T cut back on new shipping pollution regulations. Stopping air pollution from shipping saves lives right now as many people, particularly the young and elderly are dying from air pollution every day.

However, the article is not wrong that as you cut back on the particulate matter in the atmosphere, you’ve got direct energy from the sun going straight to the ocean and the ocean is VERY good at absorbing that energy. El Nino mixed with a decrease in shipping pollution is likely contributing to the massive increase in ocean water temperature (higher spike than climate scientists expected) that has been happening since May 23.

We’ve well and truly fucked ourselves. Cut back air pollution, good for lungs, but bad for ice caps (in the short term)

The best time to move away from fossil fuels and factory beef farming was years ago, and the second best time is right now. But even if we did that, we’re still going to suffer some pretty bad impacts from the damage we’ve already done.

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I love how they’re talking about cutting back shipping pollution, but if you watch the Chinese fishing fleet they contribute just as much as anything else to the pollution

it’s quite likely that the deforestation of massive areas of the planet combined with industrial farming techniques (single-crop, massive over-fertilization for maximum yield) is causing as much damage as anything else

The damage being done to the watersheds in the Canadian prairies isn’t even being addressed yet.

… but nowhere near as much as the Antarctic ice mass melting that has been reported previously.
Just another bit of nonsense for idiots to grasp to!

Not getting any better

Because people don’t learn.

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Therein lies the problem.
Not governments or global industry, people.

Yearning for instant gratification to own “stuff”, and the need for convenience.

Governments and global industry are equally culpable, if not more so.

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I think we have tipped, just a matter of time which is a funny concept however continuous.

Yes, agreed.
But the needs (wants actually) of todays society drive much of it.

Probably late but not people, governnents combined with an interest in using fossil fuels.

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Sort of. Imo governments are able to influence this in directions that can suit a greener society. They simply choose not to, while the spectre of misinformation is allowed to run riot unchallenged and put back in its box.


Haven’t the government issued bans on certain single use plastic items?
Agree they could probably do more.
In other news, in 2022 2.8 billion litres of bottled water was consumed.

Convenience over principles

This is one thing that annoys me so much about Germany, it’s bottled water or nothing at restaurants.

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Lunchtime news today.
1.6 billion lithium batteries discarded last year, mixed with general/landfill waste.
Recent fire at a London waste transfer site destroyed as a result of discarded lithium batteries, and residents had to leave their homes due to toxic fumes in the atmosphere.

Massive problem caused by people being fucking bone idle and selfish

And more often than not, it costs more than beer.