Climate Catastrophe

Not sure where to ask this as I sit on a tour boat in Windsor.

Has anyone noticed an explosion in Canadian geese across the UK in the last decade maybe more?
When I was younger the mountain lakes at home never had any. Now there’s at least a pair on pretty much all of them. Windsor is crammed with them.

They are an invasive species in many places. Huge non-migratory populations now in North America.

So my theory that they are a cunning sleeper cell insurgency as part of Canada’s plan for world domination wasn’t far off the mark then?


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and sometimes your assigned goose sees someone you’re pissed at, and attacks without warning. :heart:

Loads of them here in Indiana. My office put out a couple of decoy Coyotes out to try make them move on and stop all the goose shit. There are three Canada geese in and around our back garden. Labradoodle and Bernedoodle just look at them and don’t bother them, and the geese don’t move away. Elderly Jack Russell goes out there and the energy changes, and she chases them off.


Could have put this in a few threads, but I guess it’s more of a climate issue than golf or inequality


Put this here



Complete this sentence:

People are ________.

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What do they mean by sand?
I know it says low quality sand but wtf is that, how much contamination can be supported in the sand.
Sand isn’t as easy as all that to come by, I know we call the stuff on a beach sand but more often than not it isn’t sand and the stuff from deserts is far from sand.
They don’t go to great expense and danger to dredge the Loire valley for nothing. Most of that goes to making glass things so how much are we prepared to pay for batteries and glass window etc.

Could they please keep them on a leash and stop losing or abadonning them?

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That’s not a bird it’s a running, flying shark! :see_no_evil:

im backing our Emu…cage match…

Emu War - Wikipedia

To capture it though, it would have to be 1 Emu vs. ~100 Canada Geese.

i reckon maybe itd come down to home ground advantage.

i mean if a Lewis Gun cant do it what chance has a duck with a few sharp teeth…

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Finally a bit of monsoon weather :umbrella:. Still not the torrential downpour like it should be. But we are having light to moderate drizzles since midday, so it’s really a welcome break. By the way, by our/Bangla calendar, today is the last day of monsoon.


I think we got your monsoon here last weekend. A normal August’s worth of rainfall in 36 hours.