Climate Catastrophe

Oh damn. Hope you are not experiencing too much flood or related hazards.

It’s really, really weird. Apparently parts of Europe are facing a drought while other parts are experiencing heavy rains.

Unfettered free-market capitalism.

Isn’t it great?

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This shouldn’t even be an issue.

If the English cut down on their meat consumption it’s good for the environment.
Plus it means the rest of the UK can carry on eating meat :grin:


@Arminius Do you recall the conversation after the WV vs the EPA ruling where you said the biggest obstacle to the EPA regulating CO2 emissions via the Clean Air Act was that the law was written to address air pollution per se rather than climate change? Did you see this piece of the Inflation Reduction Act?

I know this doesnt directly address the argument the supreme court made in this case, and Im sure this version of the court will try to find ways to restrict the reach of the administrative state, but this seems like a potentially huge development.

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Got to admit that it was a picture of something that looks pure diabolical ! :smiley:

I understand why they would have wanted to put it that way, but defining CO2 as an air pollutant is absurd.

Perhaps the answer is to define it as mechanically emitted CO2 and naturally occurring CO2?

Let the legal boys fight over that one I guess. That should tie us in knots until the ice caps melt.

Yeah, I could live with that definition. :+1:

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All it needs is a red cape

A garbage dump near the Argentine capital Buenos Aires takes the cake: this South American landfill has been found to emit 28 tons of methane per hour, which is comparable in terms of climate impact to no less than 1.5 million passenger cars, based on an estimate by the American EPA.

This planet is going down the drain, simply too many people on it, better enjoy it while it lasts.

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Botoom-line: our countries are run by irresponsable idiots. Not really breaking news, I know.


Yes, it is potentially a major reclamation of EPA authority.

Not a great time to be in one of the regulated sectors in US industry. The pendulum keeps whipsawing, makes long-term planning very difficult.

Yeah, they don’t give a damn when they are crossing the running path along the river, just turn and face the person running at them. Occasionally, they get more assertive than that.

That’s Greenland only. The article says that if you take all the melting ice into account, we are likely looking at a multi-metre rise… While inexorable, it will be very slow though, and that’s why almost no-one will take serious notice of this nowadays.


We can`t look after the smallest cutest animal in the UK nevermind give two shits about our planet

Whoever did this needs shooting.


This is true - but the solutions to that problem are pretty much unthinkable.

Forced sterilisation? Restricting the amount of children a person can have? (that policy had horrendous consequences in China).Forced terminations? Mass genocide?

Some rightly advocate educating people about the impact bearing children has upon the environment. But this unfortunately comes up against centuries of tradition and social evolution and would take decades of concerted effort to provide a worthwhile solution, realised maybe centuries down the line.

We have to accept the current population levels and work out ways to accommodate that many people on the planet, whilst not destroying it in the process.

My guess is that Nature eventually will find it’s own way to restore a balance. It certainly keeps trying.